Weather/Climate Change

Is the Tundra considered a desert?

Yes because they get little to no precipitation. 


What is the biggest terrestrial animal that lives in the Tundra? 

Polar Bears. 


Do the Tundras experience intense winds?

Yes, winds can reach up to 60 mph. 

Are there any other biomes that are colder than Tundras?

No but there are different types of Tundra biomes all over the world. 


What are the two main ways animals protect themselves from the harsh climates? 

They protect themselves by either having very thick fur or a layer of blubber. 


How many types of Tundras are there?

There are 2 types of Tundras, the Alpine Tundra and the Arctic Tundra. 


Do polar bears hibernate?

No, polar bears do not hibernate but a pregnant female will reside in a den for 5-6 months. 


How many "seasons" does the Tundra have?

The Tundra usually only experiences summer and winter months with little to no fall or spring months.


How much precipitation per year does the Tundra get?

150-250 millimeters. 


How does coloration typically shift in the Tundra?

Animals shift from a white coat in the winter time, to a brown or gray coat in the summer. 

Does the Tundra have higher or lower precipitation levels than a desert?

The Tundra experiences less precipitation than deserts, about 6-10 inches per year.


How does the way wood frogs hibernate differ from other frogs?

The wood frog will freeze solid on top of vegetation litter or on the floor.


What chemical does permafrost release into the atmosphere?

Thawing permafrost releases carbon dioxide.


How could does it get in the Tundra?

It can drop to levels of -58 degrees Fahrenheit. 


Build a species with 5 adaptations that are beneficial in the Tundra. 

1. Compacted body

2. Feet lined with hair/pads on their feet

3. Blubber

4. Thick fur 

5. Camouflage ability (changing coats)


Is this the Tundra a carbon sink or carbon emitter?

The Tundra used to be a carbon sink but it is now a carbon emitter due to permafrost melting.


How does the Arctic Bumblebee keep warm mid-flight?  

They have large flight muscles that they shiver and shake to keep their bodies warm. 


As climate is warming, how is permafrost in the Tundra being affected?

It causes permafrost to melt which releases more greenhouse gases which lead to permafrost melting quicker. 


How many hours of sunlight do Tundras get in summer and winter months? 

In the summer, the sun remains above the horizon for 24 hours a day for 2-85 days.

In the winter, the sun remains below the horizon for 25 hours a day for 67 days. 


What are some behavioral ways species adapt to the Tundra? 

Species can hibernate, migrate, have seasonal feeding patterns, or burrowing. 


What NFL teams field is nicknamed "The Frozen Tundra"?

The Green Bay Packers.


Why do polar bears fur appear white?

Polar bears have hollow fur strands that allow reflecting light from the ice and snow to make them appear white. 


How do lightning storms take place and how do they affect the Tundra biome?

Lightning storms become more frequent as the air becomes warmer and they are the main cause of fires in the biomes. 


Why can't trees grow in the Tundra? 

Trees can't grow in the Tundra because of the short growing season, permafrost which doesn't allow trees to take root, and overall harsh climates. 


How does blubber differ from fat?

Blubber is thicker than fat and it contains more blood vessels than fat.