Tune Squad uses this functionality to understand the Surprise Savings experience, tracking users and how they are interacting with the UI.
What is Site Catalyst Tagging?
Who knew Porky was a fan of Ally, perhaps the reason behind this "shiny object" created during Tune Squad's most recent sprint.
What is the "Pig Loader">?
The easiest way to have a consistent Burndown chart is to perform this activity at the end of every workday.
What is "log your hours"?
This teammate will sometimes post a picture of Providence Road traffic when he's running late, but maybe he's just been up all night at a singing gig.
Who is Jaydeep?
Chris Jacobs would rather LEAVE this from our most recent Sprint!
Queue to Chris Jacobs for "LEAVE" comment.....
This action describes moving from the "dark side" of production to the active side. Also what you do to pancakes and eggs.
What is "flipping"?
While Boosters are a way to grow your savings, this STK feature is designed to help consumers organize money into specific areas. Also great to have these at the beach with your kids!
What are Buckets?
While a Burn-down chart tracks the squad's progress based on remaining hours in the sprint, this type of chart shows the team's progress from the bottom to top. HINT: Think of this as opposite of "burn-down".
What is a Burn-Up chart?
This teammate brought in beautiful cupcakes this week, leaving many of us "blue" in the face....literally!
Who is Sirisha?
Kumar would LIKE to share this observation from our most recent Sprint.
Queue to Kumar for LIKE comment....
Originally a feature flag owned by Knight Riders, Tune Squad removed this action since it now appears on the account details page.
What is Manage Account Dropdown?
Federal law limits the number of withdrawals from this type of account to six per month regardless if the transaction is online or by telephone.
What is Online Savings Account?
For Tune Squad, we'll look at the Committed points versus Actual points when calculating this "trend" over the last 6 weeks of Sprints.
What is Velocity?
Looking for some practical advice? Ask this developer....afterall, he was an Eagle Scout!
Who is Eric?
Sirisha LEANED this event during our most recent Sprint.
Queue to Sirisha....LEARN comment.
Some like to see two while others like to see five, but Tune Squad added this feature to allow users to do both!
What is Show/Hide Interest Rate?
Ally recently raised consumer awareness by bringing this favorite American board game to life.
What is Monopoly?
We're Agile....so don't worry if all the committed work doesn't get done. We'll simply do this action before the next Sprint Planning ceremony occurs.
What is Carry-over?
Singer Rick Springfield wrote a song about his guy's "girl".
Who is Jesse....("Jesse's Girl" song)
Jesse would rather not repeat this action....LEAVE it behind!
Queue to Jesse for LEAVE comment
Speaking of Canadians, this executive, who is actually from far south of Canada, recently shared lunch with Tune Squad's tech lead, Chris Jacobs.
Who is Renato Derick?
According to Ally's "do it right" campaign on personal savings, when it comes to common car tech repairs, this "getting around" aide tops the list with an average of $879 to fix!
What is Navigation?
Ideally, when looking at the team's burndown chart, the finished product will resemble this alphabetic "letter", showing an equal distribution between Time Spent versus Remaining Time.
What is an "X"?
Twins in his future? Maybe it's simply the "luck of the Irish"!
Who is Tom Simunek?
Tom is never at a loss for LEARNing new things during a sprint.....here's one....!
Queue to Tom for LEARN comment.