To stop a habit suddenly.
What is "Quit Cold Turkey"?
"Tramping and Trailing With the Girl Scouts", a guidebook published in 1927, gave us both a recipe and a term for this classic campfire treat.
What are S'mores?
“Oh, riiight. The poison…”
What is The Emporer's New Groove?
This balloon made its debut in 2008 and would fly “to Infinity and Beyond” for 6 consecutive years after that.
Who is Buzz Lightyear?
The oldest known recipe for this favorite side dish is in a 1747 English cookbook called "The Art of Cookery" by Hannah Glasse. Her recipe called for milk, salt, and butter.
What are Mashed Potatoes?
Comfortable and relaxed...
What is "Loosey Goosey"?
When these critters gather and store food for Winter, their brains get bigger (15% increase in the size of their hippocampus). This helps them remember where they hide their food.
What are Squirrels?
“A princess does not place her weapons on the table.”
What is Brave?
This “Hamburger-Happy” balloon made its parade debut in 1966 and is the mascot of a world-famous restaurant chain.
Who is Ronald McDonald?
This Thanksgiving staple has existed since at least the 14th century, with the earliest written mention in a 1390 British cookbook called “The Forme of Cury”.
What is Gravy?
This phrase is often used more comically than seriously, especially when the source of the information is obvious to both parties involved, but neither is willing to say.
What is "A Little Birdie Told Me"?
This Fall tradition was used for courting rituals in the U.K. in the 14th Century. Girls would mark fruits before dumping them in a barrel of water. If the boy could find it on this first try, “the pairing was fate, and they were made for each other”.
What is Bobbing for Apples?
“Sir! Reporting high levels of sass!”
What is Inside Out?
In 2022, this balloon came to explore the Big Apple for the very first time, and at 52 feet tall, this balloon is playing the world's largest game of Keepy Uppy.
Who is Bluey?
The earliest documentary evidence for this popular side is in a Roman cookbook, which lists ingredients like vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, and spelt (a cereal).
What is Stuffing?
This idiom, first recorded in 1605 in a book of proverbs by William Camden, means that taking action ahead of time gives you the best chance of success.
What is "The Early Bird Gets the Worm"?
The original name of this agricultural-inspired treat was “Chicken Feed.” The boxes were advertised with a colorful rooster logo and the tagline, "Something worth crowing for."
What is Candy Corn?
“I was just thinking about the first time I laid eye on you…”
What is Monster's Inc?
This balloon first took to the streets of New York City in the 1934 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Depicted as a pleasant, cheerful Everyman with a mischievous and adventurous side, this balloon has become one of the most recognizable fictional characters in the world.
Who is Mickey Mouse?
In 1606, the Indigenous people of NorthEastern Canada introduced the French settlers to this side dish. They would have been sweetened with maple sugar and served at the first Thanksgiving in North America that year.
What are/is Cranberries/Cranberry Sauce?
All hope is gone; there is no possibility of success.
What is "My/Thier Goose is Cooked"?
The Mayans and Aztecs, who took this habit from the Olmecs, created a bitter brew called “Xocoatl,” made with chilies, water, and toasted corn. It was served lukewarm and frothy. However, this was nothing like the sweet concoction we know today.
What is Hot Chocolate/Cocoa?
“Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape…”
What is The Incredibles?
Standing at a whopping 35 ft tall, this “small but mighty” balloon made its debut in 2001, making it one of the smallest giant balloons in the parade's history.
Who is Pikachu?
Some historians believe that Italian Jews invented this popular side during the Roman Empire. They would reuse the dish to make it more palatable on Sundays when cooking is prohibited by Jewish law.
What is Pasta Salad?