The Cattle Drive
Spanish American War
Building of the Panama Canal
Who was the Chisholm Trail named after

Jessie Chisholm

What is Alexander Graham Bell's most famous invention?

What impact did this invention have?


Allowed communication all over the world


What caused the United States to Declare war on Spain?

The USS Maine exploding in the Havana Harbor and Americans believing the explosion was caused by the Spanish


Who was the president during the building of the Panama Canal?

Theodore Roosevelt 


Define Immigrant 

A person who leaves their home country to live in a new country.


Name the 2 reasons why the Cattle Trails came to an end

The invention of Barbed wire fences

Railroads eventually made their way into Texas


What is Thomas Edison's most famous invention?

What impact did this invention have?

The PRACTICAL lightbulb 

Brought electricity into homes


Name 2 of the 3 reasons that caused the US to care about Cubans trying to get their Freedom from Spain.

- It reminded of us of the American Revolution - we had sympathy for what they were going through

-We wanted to protect our businesses in Cuba 

-We believed they were being severely mistreated by the Spanish due to the articles in the Newspaper (yellow journalism) 


What did the building of the Panama Canal connect? 

The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans 


Where did majority of the Immigrants coming into the US come from?



Name the 2 cattle trails and the route they took

Chisholm Trail : Texas --> Kansas --> Eastern Markets

Great Western Trail :  Texas --> Nebraska --> Northern Markets


What is the Wright Brother's most famous invention?

What impact did this invention have?

The first powered flight

Made travel easier and faster for people and goods

Led to Space Exploration


Name the Territories gained from the Treaty of Paris

Cuba , Guam, The Phillippine Islands, Puerto Rico


Name the diseases mosquitos carried that would infect workers during the building of the Panama Canal. 


Yellow Fever


Name 2 reasons why immigrants would choose to leave their home country and come to the US. 

1) Escape poverty / Hunger / Famine

2) Escape war or mistreatment 

3) Lack of jobs in their home country

4) Religious Freedom

5) Adventure 


Why did the Cattle drive begin? 

Cows were worth more money in Eastern and Northern Markets - Cowboys figured out a way to get the cows there. 


What is George Washington Carver's most famous invention?

What impact did this invention have?

Crop Rotation & Creating over 300 products with peanuts and sweet potatoes

He mad the crops more profitable - made the farmers more money


What happened to the United States as a result of the Spanish American War? 

They emerged as a world power


Define Canal

A manmade waterway built as a passage for ships. 


What U.S. state did majority of the Immigrants go to? 

What was the name of the Island that immigrants went to for examination?

What was the first thing they saw? What did it symbolize? 

New York

Ellis Island 

Statue of Liberty - Freedom and hope for a new/better life


What was the nickname for African Americans who became cowboys

Name 1 reason why African Americans chose to become Cowboys. 

The Black Cowboys of Texas

-Treated Fairly

-Paid for their work

-Skilled at the job


Why is Thomas Edisons lightbulb known as the first PRACTICAL lightbulb? 

-Stayed on longer than all the others



Define Imperialism?

Name the 2 countries the US took over before the Spanish American War.

-To build up your empire - to take over new land

-Alaska and Hawaii


Name 2 reasons why a shorter route between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans was beneficial for the United States.

1) Opened up world trade

2) Allowed the Navy to protect the US quickly from anywhere in the ocean. 


Name the 2 of the 3 main reasons why an immigrant would be deported. 

1) They had a contagious disease

2) They were not healthy enough to work

3) They had a criminal record