The number of eggs a flatback sea turtle can lay in one clutch
What is fifty?
The top speed of desert tortoises
What is five kilometers an hour?
The water terrapins swim in
What is freshwater?
The size of the archelon
What is fifteen feet?
The scientist who studied the Galapagos tortoises
Who was Charles Darwin?
The average size of a baby hawksbill sea turtle
What is two inches?
The longest amount of time tortoises can hold their breath
What is thirty minutes?
The common age of a diamondback terrapin
What is thirty years?
The time stupendemys was around
When was ten million years ago?
The kind of turtle than can’t tuck in it’s shell
What are sea turtles?
The reason some sea turtles can eat jellyfish without getting stung
What is building resistance?
The name of the scales on a tortoise’s back
What are scutes?
The time terrapin mating season is on
What is April to July?
The place where toxochelys fossils are commonly found
Where is western Kansas?
The only place turtles don’t inhabit
Where are the polar regions?
The predator of most sea turtles
What are sharks?
The name of a group of tortoises
What is a creep of tortises?
The weight of a baby terrapin
What is ten grams?
The period where angolachelys was around
When was the cretaceous?
The visible bone on a turtle
What is a shell?
The common weight of an adult loggerhead sea turtle
What is nine hundred pounds?
The foods tortoises eat
What are plant-based meals?
The time terrapins have been around
When was 200 million years ago?
The common length of the allopleuron
What is seven feet?
The reason baby turtles know where to go when they hatch
What is moonlight?