what is the first show I watched
I don't even know
What did I want to be like when I grow up because of this show
Sofia the first
What is my fav movie
The sound of music
What is my fav scary movie for Halloween
hocus pocus
Something I laugh at
smurfs bad guy
what is goofy laugh like "you have to do it"
Do it
What show am I watching to finish the series
Full house
What movie have I watched the lastest
The baby sitting club
what movie will I never watch
Who do I not laugh at
What is saida's fav show
Dog channel
What show was I obsessed with and even bought dolls for it " there are 2 answers to this get it wrong no points not even for one"
Barbie, Ever After High
what movie do I have to watch for dance
To the beat
what new movie just came out
What is my movie
Duck soup
what score did you get yesterday?
what is a show
something to keep you intertain
how many movie have I watched today
Spirit holloween
what is your funny movie
I dont even know
what is my fav song
what is a funny title to a movie
Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.
what is my fav movie for scary
level 16
What did the grape say when it got crushed?
nothing, it just let out a little wine.