this person lives in a pineapple under the sea
the state the show takes place in
North Carolina
current host of Family Feud
Steve Harvey
the person the show is revolved around
Meredith Grey
the song Sheldon sings about cats
soft kitty
a whale that lives with her dad
names of the locals
kooks, and Pogues
first year it aired
Miranda Bailey
number of pilot shows it took to attract an audience
spongebob was born on this day
July 14, 1986
The way Ward Cameron "died"
blew up the boat he was on
most popular catch phrase
"survey says"
Derek Shepherd's nickname from Meredith Grey
Dr. McDreamy
the character that actually has a PhD in neuroscience
Amy fowley, sheldons girlfriend
spongebobs laugh is based on this sea animals sound
a dolphin
day the show premiered
April 15, 2020
name a famous George
the surgical nurse that appears in most episodes
no one actually knows her last name
sponge bobs original name
sponge boy
the show was actually filmed here
South Carolina
original host of Family Feud
Richard Dawson
original characters that remain on show after season 16
number of Emmy awards Sheldon Cooper won