This is Michelle's full name
Who is Michelle Elizabeth Tanner?
This is the number of seasons
What is 7?
The name of Fran's mother
Who is Sylvia?
This is the name of Rachel's restaurant
What is Rachel's Place?
This is where Toby was born
What is an ice cream truck?
The name of Comet's mother
Who was Minnie?
Finish the line "....and invited everyone you knew, you would see...
What is the biggest gift would be from me?
This was Maggie's first job
What is a candy stripper?
This is the name of Carl's mother?
Who is Estelle?
This person drove the car into the kitchen
Who is Bob?
In the episode "The Secret Admirer" Joey thought the love letter was from this person
Who is Cindy?
This was Sophia's husband
Who was Salvador?
This person was Maggie's first kiss
Who is Eddie?
When being hostage in a bank Laura was dressed as this person
Who is Tina Turner?
Charlie is short for this name
Who is Charlotte?
This type of cake was made last minute for Kimmy's sixteenth birthday
What are hash browns?
This is the name of the priest Dorothy was attracted to
Who is Frank?
This is the name of C.C.'s dog
Who is Chester?
The name of the bakery that secretly is an illegal place to gamble
What is Ma's Bakery?
This city is where Spencer goes to college
What is Boston?
This was the song Stephanie danced to on the telethon
What is Love Shack?
This is what Sophia used to sit on when driving a car
What is a phone book?
This person was secretly in the guest bedroom of the house
Who is Cher?
This is the name of the lake that Eddie, Steve, and Carl went ice fishing on
HINT: It starts with the letter W
What is Lake Wannamuck?
This is where Beau is from
What is Tennessee?