In Bewitched what part of her body does Samantha twitch to practice magic?
Her nose
What color was Jeannie's harem costume in I Dream of Jeannie? Blue, Green or Red
What is blue
What instrument does Phoebe play?
What is Guitar
Maude All in the family or Addams Family
What is the All in the Family 1971
What is Joey's profession?
What is a Actor
Every episode of Seinfeld contains an image or reference to what superhero? Spiderman ,Superman ,Plastic man or Batman
What is Superman
One of Phoebe's songs get turned into a music video?
What is Smelly Cat!
In the final season of Dallas- 1979-80 JR Ewing was shot by who? Kristen Shepard, Jenna Wade, SueEllen Ewing, or Pamela Barnes Ewing?
Who is Kristen Shepard, JR's Mistress and his wife's sister.