How many seasons of the show does Michael Scott appear in?
In which movie did Han Solo and Luke Skywalker free Princess Leia from the Death Star?
Episode IV - A New Hope
What is the name of the Coffee Shop?
Central Perk
Who leaves Ted at the alter?
What object must be caught in order to end a Quidditch match?
The Golden Snitch
In later seasons, Kelly dates a successful Indian man. What is his name? Bonus point: what does he do for a living?
Ravi (Pediatrician)
Who is Luke Skywalker's twin sister?
Princess Leia
Name all of Rachel's jobs throughout the show (3 total)
1. Coffee Shop Barista
2. Personal Shopper at Bloomingdales
3. Assistant Buyer at Ralph Lauren
What is Robin's first hit single called?
"Let's Go to the Mall"
In which movie do Fred and George Weasley fight each other, rolling around on the floor as they sprout long beards?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
How does Micheal get a foot injury?
He grilled his foot on a Foreman Grill
In 'Episode I,' what did Yoda discover that Anakin possessed, that may lead him to the Dark Side?
What are Phoebe and Joey's fake names?
Regina Phalange and Ken Adams
What does Barney have to wear because he lost a bet?
Ducky Tie
What is the name of the secret society Albus Dumbledore founded?
Order of the Phoenix
What did Jim put in the jello in the first episode?
a stapler?
Who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Qui-Gon Jinn
What causes Ross to become so angry that he gets suspended from work?
Someone eats his special leftover thanksgiving turkey moist-maker sandwich
What job does Marshall have by the end of the show?
He becomes a Judge.
In what year was the first Harry Potter movie released?
What is Erin's real name?
How many characters (not actors) appear in every one of the six movies?
In addition to R2D2 and C3PO, Both Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Obiwan Kenobi appear in all six "Star Wars" films.
What is the name of Joey's Barcalounger?
What's the name of the Bar that Ted and Barney would like to open?
What are the devoted followers of Lord Voldemort referred to as?
Death Eaters