About the Assessment
Subtests part 2

The full or unabbreviated name for the TVPS-4

Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-4th edition


How many subtests does the TVPS have

bonus points, can you name them


bonus points - Visual Discrimination, Visual memory, Spatial relationships, Form consistency, Sequential memory, Visual Figure-Ground, and Visual closure


The individual is asked to find one image in a field of five similar images that exactly matches the presented target image.

Visual Discrimination


Why is the TVPS particularly useful for students with motor difficulties?

The test only requires pointing or verbal responses, eliminating the impact of fine motor deficits on performance.


What is considered an average scaled score for the subtests?

Subtests scaledscores between 8-12 are considered to be within average limits


The Purpose of the assessment is?

assesses visual-Perceptual abilities without requiring a motor response


For this subtest, an individual is asked to find a target image that is embedded in one of a field of four complex designs

Visual Figure Ground


During this subtest, you present an individual with an image of a sequence of elements for five seconds; the individual is then asked to find the image with the same sequence in a field of four or five images on the following page.

Sequential memory


Can items be repeated during administration?
Yes, directions and items may be repeated once to ensure understanding, but no additional hints or prompts should be given.

Yes, directions and items may be repeated once to ensure understanding, but no additional hints or prompts should be given. No, going back on memory tests, but do give five seconds to view.


Does the test have a score for overall visual processing or does the test provide indexes depending on the subtests

bonus for average ability score

there is an overall visual processing score 

averages are between 90-109


what is the age range for this assesment

ages 5 to 21


For this subtest, an individual is asked to find one image in a field of four or five images that is different from the rest

Spatial Relationships


the individual is asked to match an incomplete target image to the correctly completed image in a field of four.

Visual Closure


is there a Basal Rule (go back rule)

yes, if the examinee does not correctly answer the first three items from the age-based start point, administer items backward until 3 in a row are correctly answered.


How is the TVPS scored?

Each correct response earns 1 point, and raw scores are converted into scaled scores, standard scores, percentiles, and age equivalents using the manual.


What is visual perception/ Visual Processing?

-A set of skills that Provides the perceiver with information about the objects, events, and spatial layout in which he or she must think and act. 

-The ability to attend to and identify important visual features in the environment, integrate the information with sensory systems, and interpret the attached meaning to engage with the environment.


For this subtest, an individual is presented with a target image for five seconds, is asked to remember it, and then find the image in a field of four images on the following page

Visual memory


How might difficulties in visual discrimination manifest in the classroom?

A student may confuse similar letters (e.g., b/d, p/q), struggle with recognizing sight words, or have difficulty distinguishing between similar math symbols (+ vs. ×)


what are the start points for ages.

bonus points for age groups

5-11-start at item 1

12-21- Start at Item 4


What is the mean and standard deviation of the TVPS standard scores?

The TVPS has a mean standard score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (similar to most standardized assessments).


Why Test Visual Processing?

Visual processing deficits are common in a variety of developmental, neurological, and learning conditions.

Visual processing skills influence functional and academic outcomes, and there is increasing recognition of the importance of catching visual perceptual challenges early.


the individual is asked to find one image in a field of four or five images that match the presented target image. The matching Image may be larger, Smaller, Rotated, and/or embedded within a larger design.

Form consistency


What are academic implications of poor visual sequential memory?

A student may struggle with spelling, remembering multi-step math problems, or following a sequence of visual instructions.


What is the stopping rule for each subtest?

Discontinue if five out of seven responses are incorrect.


Why is it important to analyze patterns in subtest scores rather than just looking at the overall TVPS score?

Different visual-perceptual skills impact different academic and functional areas. A low visual-sequential memory score may indicate reading difficulties, while low visual closure could suggest challenges recognizing incomplete words or images.