What was the name of the Nazarite man with long hair?
What is the first book of the Bible?
Who was the most recent TW member to get baptized?
Aaron Mannell and Josh Krassavin
Name three animals that people used for transportation in the Bible?
Donkey- John 12:14
Horse- 2 Kings 9:18
Camel- Genesis 24:61
What day of the week is Sunday School?
Who's field did Ruth glean (collect) grain from?
Which book of the Bible has the shortest verse?
100 bonus pts. for exact reference and quote the verse
John 11:35
Which person in our ecclesia is known for bringing samosas?
Bro. Lennox
What two animals were sent out from the ark at the time of the flood?
Raven and a Dove
Genesis 8:7,8
What is the birth date of Toronto West's youngest member?
May 18, 2020
What were the names of the two faithful spies who went into the land of Canaan?
Joshua and Caleb
How many books of the bible are named after women?
Who has the Largest Bible at Toronto West?
Bro. Dev
Moses made an image of this animal for the people of Israel.
Numbers 21:9
What year was the first Sunday School Chilli Cook Off, according to the trophy?
What tribe was Saul from?
What is the 22nd book in the Bible?
Songs of Solomon
Who won the first Sunday School Chilli Cook Off?
In the story of Samson, what bushy tailed animal did Samson use to set fire to the crops of the Philistines.
Judges 15:4
What year did we move into 24 Langside?
What 3 things could a Nazarite not do?
1. Could not cut their hair
2. Not drink strong drink (Wine, Beer)
3. Not come near/touch Dead Bodies
Name all the book of the Bible that end with the letter "s".
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Judges, Kings, Chronicles, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Amos, Acts, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessaonians, Hebrews, James. (20)
Name our past 3 Sunday School Superintendents (Not including current)
Alice and Kos, Steve and Jane, Steve and Tanya
What animal is better than a dead lion?
A living dog
Ecclesiastes 9:4
What year was our first ecclesial retreat?