Point of View/Text Structure
Foundational Skills
Story Elements
Figurative Language

What words are used to recognize first person point of view?

I. me, my, we


Which word means the same as sloppy?

a. interesting

b. careless

c. speedy

d. awake

b. careless


A suffix goes ________________ a base word.



How many stanzas are in this poem?

Ice cream is my favorite treat

There's so many flavors of this sugary treat

On a super hot day, it tastes just right

It's as cold as ice when I take a bite

2 stanzas


My cat, Mr. Jellybean, is so cute and fun to play with.  He is the apple of my eye.

What type of figurative language is "apple of my eye"

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C.  Personification

B.  Metaphor

(See YouTube Video About Similes and Metaphors:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoSBVNUO2LU)


If the character is telling the story from their point of view, is it first person point of view or third person point of view?

first person point of view


She will rattle the pans in the yard. 

Which word means the same as rattle in the sentence above?

A. break

B. heat

C. still

D. shake  

D. shake  


What is the meaning of the word gently?

A. with care

B. with speed

C. without noise

D. without trouble

A. with care


How many stanzas in the poem?

Sammy, who was six years old,

caught himself a common cold.

Nothing special, nothing new, 

sniffles and a cough or two.

Teary eyes, nose bright red, 

chicken soup served in bed. 



What type of figurative language is this?

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration

A. Simile


Why would the author use bold text in a letter to their friend?

A.  to show which words stand out as important.

B. to show which words the reader might not know.

C. to show which words start a new part of the letter.

A.  to show which words stand out as important.


Which 2 words rhyme? 

a. line      lid

b. line     fine

c. right    found

b. line fine


What is the meaning of the prefix un - 

not/ to remove


Why does the poet use a  rhyme scheme in this poem:

Ice cream is my favorite treat

There's so many flavors of this sugary treat

On a super hot day, it tastes just right

It's as cold as ice when I take a bite

A. to make the poem easier to understand

B.  to make the poem more fun to read

C.  to explain why ice cream is cold and sugary

B. to make the poem more fun to read


What kind of figurative language is used to compare two unlike things?

a. Alliteration

b. metaphor

c. Simile

b. metaphor


When the narrator is telling the story is it first person point of view or third person point of view?

third person point of view


Think about the suffix -ly. What is the meaning of finally  as it is used in the following sentence.

I finally finished my homework last night. 

a. doing it right now

b. after a long time

c. finishing later

b. after a long time


Does a prefix come before or after the base word?



What is the setting and why is it important to the plot of the stories?

Setting is where the story takes place. Setting is important to the plot because it effects the characters actions. 


What type of figurative language compares two unlike things using the words "like" or "as"? 



What words signal third person point of view?

He, she, them, his, her


What does the suffix ly mean? 

a. in this way

b. not

c. without

a. in this way


What is the base word in the word: disapprove?



Why would someone use italics?

a. to show that something is funny

b. to show a different part of the text

c. to show something is more important

b. to show a different part of the text 


Alliteration is ... 

a. words that make a sound

b. repetition of the same beginning consonant sounds

c. words that end in the same sound

b. repetition of the same consonant sounds