A Dozen Miffed Muchachos
Define That for Me
Improperly Embedded Evidence
The Purpose of it All
Quotable Compadres

The two most major jurors in the play.

Who are Juror 3 and Juror 8?


To have a valid reason for thinking that a defendant might not be guilty.

What is reasonable doubt?


Countered when a second identical object is brought in as a surprise by Juror 8.

What is the knife?


A major theme of the play best illustrated when Juror 9 states "It takes a great deal of courage to stand alone even if you believe in something very strongly."

What is "It can be difficult to stand up for what you believe in"?


Says "What do you think?" repeatedly to emphasize his confidence in others' answers.

Who is Juror 8?


The juror most driven by a sense of wanting to serve justice even if he's not sure he belongs with everyone else.

Who is Juror 11?

The main character of the story.

What is a protagonist?


Countered when Juror 8 performs a reenactment of the supposed witnessing.

What is the old man's testimony?


Conveyed by how the jurors appear similar, but actually turn out to be quite different. Also illustrated by the evidence being certain at first, but doubted upon closer examination.

what is "things are not always as they appear to be"?


Says "He don't even speak good English."

Who is Juror 10?


Grew up in a way similar to the Boy that makes him more sympathetic to the Boy.

Who is Juror 5?


The person defending themselves in a court case.

What is a defendant?


Countered when Juror 8 mentions how "Maybe she honestly thought she saw the boy kill his father. I say that she saw only a blur."

What is the neighbor woman's testimony?


A personal theme centered around Juror 10, especially when he says "I’m speaking my piece, and you listen to me! They’re no good. There’s not a one of ‘em who’s any good."

What is "prejudice is destructive"?


Says "You keep it goin' smooth and everything. What d'ya think, it's a snap?"

Who is Juror 1 (the Foreman)?


The juror who almost never spoke up throughout the entire play and found it difficult to speak his mind.

Who is Juror 2?


To be smart, or to move rapidly.

What is "quick"?


Countered when Juror 4 had difficulty remembering events from only a few days ago.

What was the boy's suspicious alibi?


A concept best portrayed by the fact that it is the hottest day of the year, and the jury room lacks air conditioning or even a working fan for most of the play.

What is "it is hard to make a logical and right decision in a hostile environment"?


Says "Take a look at it. Down and in. That’s how I’d stab a taller man in the chest, and that’s how it was done. Take a look at it and tell me if I’m wrong."

Who is Juror 3?


The juror who speaks the least proper English throughout the play.

Who is Juror 10?


To declare someone innocent of a crime.

What is "acquittal"?

Countered when Juror 5 illustrates proper knife fighting technique.

What is the boy being the one to stab his father?


Shown by the fact that Reginald Rose thought it was a good idea to keep the Jurors and the Boy nameless as they seek a fair verdict.

What is "Justice should be fair and impartial"?


Both said "You're all alone", one during the second vote and one at the end of the play.

Who are Juror 6 and Juror 8?