THIS IS JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You get points no matter your answer because this is a free bee)
Longest winning streak
What is 74 games
This is what it is called when all contestants get a question wrong
What is a triple stumper
There have been this many episodes where nobody has won
What is 7
This is Jeopardy's sister show
What is Wheel of Fortune
Jeopardy started in this year
What is 1984
This is the largest amount of money won in one day
What is $137 127
The 5 numbers you are not allowed to wager
What is $666, $69, $14, $88, or $1488
There have been this many seasons so far
What is 37
He wrote the theme song for Jeopardy
Who is Merv Griffin
As an April Fool's joke, Pat Sajak and Alex Trebek switched roles in this year
What is 1997
Ken Jennings earned this much money in all his games combined
What is $2,520,700
Penalty for buzzing for the answer before the clue is read
What is 0.25 seconds
This many clues are written each years
What is 13 800
Jeopardy has aired in this many countries
What is 47
Jeopardy was created by him
Who is Merv Griffin
Highest average score per episode
What is $74,673
This is the name of the Jeopardy theme song
What is "Think"
This was the Lowest score at the end of a game
What is -$6800
This man's voice starts every episode
Who is Johnny Gilbert
Alex Trebek's real first name
What is George
Highest non winning score ever
What is $53 999
What is 5 days
About this many rounds are created in a day
What is 5
What is $566,400