Session 1: Temperature Changes
Session 2: Heating Up
Session 3: Stepping Up the Pressure
Session 4: In Hot Water
Session 5: Changing for the Better

What are the different states of matter?

Solid, Liquid, Gas


What is particle motion?

The movement of particles within a specific object


What is the definition of pressure?

The physical force exerted on an object


____________ is the process by which a liquid turns into a gas. ____________ is the process by which a gas turns into a liquid.

Evaporation; Condensation


In the Plastic Recycling Process visual, what were the three steps shown? 

1) Plastic is made and used; 2) Plastic is sorted and shredded; 3) Plastic is melted and reshaped


Do objects at higher or lower temperatures have more energy?

Higher temperatures


What is the distance between particles in a liquid?

Medium distance; not close together like a solid, but not very distant like a gas.


According to the data results from the State of Matter Simulator, we found that pressure (does/does not) have an effect on substances.



Temperature affects ______________, which then affects ___________________.

Particle Motion; State of Matter


What is a way you could help with the growing global plastic problem?

Recycle; clean recyclables before putting into bin; educate others about recycling; reuse plastics; avoid using single-use plastics

How does thermal energy, also known as heat, travel during conduction?

Energy will travel from the object with the highest energy (hot) to an object with low energy (cold) until both objects are the same temperature.


True or False: There are many collisions that occur between particles in a solid object.

False. Particles in a solid object have low energy. Instead of moving around, these particles will only vibrate in place.

According to the video we watched, "Why Can't You Boil an Egg on Mount Everest?", boiling point is the temperature at which the pressure of the water vapor is _________ than/to the atmospheric pressure outside.



What is the definition of desalination?

The process where salt is removed from water


Compared to vegetables that decompose in a month and paper that decomposes in two to five months, plastic takes _________ to degrade (break down). In addition to this, plastic can only be recycled up to ______ times before being sent to a landfill.

At least 500 years; 10


In the lab, lighting a candle under the crucible bowl and lid demonstrated what kind of thermal (heat) energy transfer?



What state of matter would Carbon be at 7,000 degrees Celsius?

Gas; Carbon's gas state exists above 6,273 degrees Celsius.


When we increase pressure, we must also increase ____________ to phase change from one state to the next.



When you increase temperature, what happens to particle speed, and why?

Particle speed increases due to the increase in energy (thermal energy) being transferred into the substance.


What are the issues concerning single-stream recycling and multi-stream recycling?

Single-stream recycling runs a high risk of contamination, due to the mixture of different plastics being sorted. Multi-stream recycling is an expensive and complicated process, which requires multiple recycle bins, more collection times, etc.


In the lab, boiling the gallium in water demonstrated what type of thermal (heat) energy transfer?



What state of matter would Nitrogen be at -200 degrees Celsius?

Liquid; Nitrogen's liquid state exists between -209 to -195 degrees Celsius.

What happens to the particles of a substance under pressure, and why does this happen?

The particles have more physical force exerted on them so they will move much slower. They will need more energy (higher temperature) in order to change to the next state of matter.


Why doesn't salt turn into a gas when water does?

Salt melts and evaporates at higher temperatures than water.


According to the video, "Fashion in a Bottle", what are the steps to creating plastic thread for clothing?

1) Plastics are sorted, shredded, and cleaned; 2) the shredded plastic is melted into polyester chips; 3) The chips are melted again, reshaped into strands, then spun into plastic yarn