What "team" is Taylor on?
What is Team Eddy
Who said "aren't ppl from Arizona supposed to be like... tan or something"?
Who is Jessica Stanley
Who is the vampire that was trying to kill bella in the first movie?
Who is James
What are the names of all the Cullens?
What is Edward, Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie
What is Taylor's favorite Twilight movie?
What is, Breaking Dawn pt. 1
Who said "Molto Bene!"?
Who is Esme Cullen
Who is Aro
What member of the Cullen family was in the Volturi?
Who is, Carlisle
Around what time of year is Taylor's favorite time to watch the movies?
What is Fall
Who said " I like watching you sleep"?
Who is Edward Cullen
What is the name of the beach Bella went to that Edward cant go to?
What is La push
What kind of accent does Jasper have?
What is Southern
How many times has Taylor seen Twilight in Theaters?
What is 0!! (if ykyk)
Who said "Dont drink it... its for the plants!!!"?
Who is their teacher (science i think)
What is the name of The beer Charlie drinks?
What is Rainier beer or "Vitamin R"
When Taylor was young why did she hate Jacob Black so much?
What is, They share the same name and he is a boy.