What city is Bella moving from to Forks?
What month is Bella’s Birthday?
What is the name of the vampire that started the newborn army?
According to the wedding invitations in "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1", on what date does Bella and Edward's wedding take place?
August 13th
What color are the Cullens' eyes when they haven't fed?
Black (Golden: Animal blood, Red: Human Blood)
What is the name of Bella's moms Boyfriend.
What novel is Bella reading for her English class?
Romeo and Juliet
What did Bella's mom give Bella when she came to visit her in Florida?
In "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1", Bella realizes she is pregnant after seeing what?
A box of tampons
What tribe does Jacob belong to?
Quileute tribe
Edward Cullen is physically how old in the Twilight series?
What Vampire tries to kill Bella?
Who gave the speech at graduation?
What nickname did Jacob give Rigatoni (Renesmee)?
What is the correct term for new vampires?
New Born
What year did Twilight get released to theaters?
Who is the chosen "Alpha" of the wolf pack?
Sam Uley
Who did Sam imprint on?
Who are the main three Volutori Members?
Aro, Caius, and Marcus
Where do the Volturi reside?
Volterra, Italy
What is the name of the beach that Bella goes to with her friends and invites Jacob?
La Push
Who dies of a heart attack whilst out tracking the "giant wolves"?
Harry Clearwater
Who were the two newest members of the wolf pack?
Leah and Seth
What are Kate's vampire abilities?
Where do Bella and Edward go for their Honeymoon?
Island Esme