Who was attacked by a bear?
What is Jacob's line:
Bella! Where the hell have you been loca?
What color are Jane's eyes?
Blood Red
Who is her father?
Charlie Swan
"You nicknamed my daughter..."
After the loch ness monster?!"
Who killed their attackers after they were turned?
Who is alpha and who was supposed to be originally?
Sam and Jacob
What color is Victoria's hair?
Which vampire bites Bella first and where?
James on her right wrist
“You're like my own personal...
Brand of heroin”
What is Alice's power?
She can see the future as it is decided
What tribe do the wolves belong to?
What is Edward's excuse for his eyes changing color in the first film?
"It's the fluorescents"
Who does Bella see when she becomes an adrenaline junkie in New Moon?
Jacob "I kissed Bella and she broke her hand...
Punching my face"
Who used to stay with the Volturi?
Why does Jacob first leave the pack?
He gets Bella's wedding invite
What color are Bella's eyes (per book reference)?
Chocolate Brown
What happens when Bella smells/sees blood in the books?
Gets sick/faints
Why does Emmett resond with "Her name's Bella"?
Rosalie asks "Is she even Italian?"
What is Jasper's best line?
"Battle Scars"
Who does Jacob imprint on?
What color were Edward's eyes when he was human?
How old is she when she is turned?
Edward "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
Bella says...
"What a stupid lamb”