Who Believes?
Instrumental to the Arts
New Editions to Merriam Webster
Green Foods
Summer Reading
We Bought a Zoo

The majority of American presidents have been of this religious belief 

What is Protestant?


One of the following pairing of a US president with his instrument is not accurate:

a. Jimmy Carter/guitar

b. Chester A. Arthur/banjo

c. Richard Nixon/piano

d. Bill Clinton/saxophone

What is a. Jimmy Carter/guitar


When you make zucchini look like pasta, this is what you get

What are zoodles?


These cool veggies are about 95% water

What are cucumbers?


This Shakespeare tale of star-crossed lovers still appeals to teenagers

What is Romeo and Juliet?


A space containing mostly domestic animals for interaction with children 

What is a petting zoo?


This Christian denomination will not ordain women

What is Catholic?


This trumpeting titan lit up New Orleans, Chicago and Harlem in the 1920's and beyond. His nicknames include "Pops" and "Satchmo"

Who is Louis Armstrong?


You can use this word to describe any Netflix show that's got you hooked

What is bingeable?


Leaves get their green color from chlorophyll, and so do these nuts

What are pistachios?


S.E. Hinton was only 15 when she started writing this story of Ponyboy Curtis and his friends

What is The Outsiders?


You'll never see this, the largest of all living creatures in a zoo

What is a blue whale?


In Hinduism, the autumnal Festival of Lights is called this

What is Diwali?


This musician traveled from India to play the sitar to a mesmerized crowd at the original Woodstock

Who is Ravi Shankar?


You could use this new entry to describe any activity like watching Netflix, using social media or playing addictive app games that prevents more productive activity

What is time suck?


This fruit shares its name with a bird

What is Kiwi?


This 1960 Harper Lee story of racial injustice became a record-breaking Broadway smash

What is To Kill a Mockingbird?


If you see these animals at the zoo, they're being rented for big bucks from China

What are giant pandas?


Name the religion that does not uphold a belief in reincarnation

a. Hinduism

b. Islam

c. Hare Krishna

What is b. Islam?


Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and Justin Bieber have one of the following in common:

a. They learned to sing in a band while recovering from a broken limb

b. Their first instrument was the accordion

c. They played the guitar backwards

d. They successively owned Willie Dixon's upright bass

What is c. They played the guitar backwards?


The definitions "someone regarded or treated as unique or special" and "someone who is overly sensitive" were added to this weather word

What is snowflake?


Crossing snow peas and garden peas created this new cultivar

What are sugar snap peas?


Holden Caulfield's teenage angst still holds up in this classic novel.

What is The Catcher in the Rye?


Christopher Robin Milne loved to visit a bear given to the London Zoo by a Canadian lieutenant who named the bear after his home city, which was this

What is Winnipeg?


Catholics have faith in transubstantiation. Transubstantiation is the belief that this occurs  during mass...

What is consecrated bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ?


The jazz great, John Coltrane played this instrument

What is saxophone?


This color is now used metaphorically to describe a region that is split between the two major political parties

What is purple?


This fruit has the highest protein content

What is avocado?

This 1850 novel might be a dense read, but modern students appreciate this book's feminist figure Hester Prynne.

What is The Scarlet Letter?


You'll never see these animals in zoos now, but in the early 20th century, these creatures were often on exhibition

What are humans?


This word describes the belief that rejects God as a personality and instead identifies God with the universe

What is Pantheism?


This famous American never played the ukulele

a. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

b. Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis

c. Neil Armstrong

d. Warren Buffet

Who is b. Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis?


Breaking Bad's Jesse and Walter being trapped in a meth lab with a fly for the entire episode is an example of this new dictionary entry?

What is bottle episode?


Native to the Mediterranean, this cabbage cousin was called "Italian asparagus" when it was first introduced to England

What is broccoli?


Written in 1937 this "novel" tale of two friends during the Depression still endures

What is Of Mice and Men?


When war broke out in 1939, the zoo in this city killed its venomous animals for fear that they would escape if the zoo was bombed

What is London, England?