Vector Basics
Vector Operations
Adding Non-Perpendicular Vectors
Projectile Motion
Projectiles Problem Solving
A quantity that indicates both a magnitude and a direction
A plane flies 45 km east and then 70 km north. What is the magnitude and direction of its displacement?
83.2 km at 57.2 degrees north of east
A football player runs directly down the field (horizontally) for 35 meters before turning to 25 degrees above the horizontal and running an additional 15 meters before being tackled. What is the magnitude and direction of his total displacement?
49.00 m at 25.01 degrees above the horizontal
Describe the horizontal velocity of a projectile
A bridge rises 321 m above a river. If a rock is kicked horizontally off a bridge to land 45.0 m from the base of the bridge, what is the speed at which the rock was kicked?
5.56 m/s
A quantity that only indicates a magnitude, not a direction
A truck driver is attempting to deliver some furniture. First, he travels 8 km east, and then he turns around and travels 3 km west. Finally, he turns again and travels 12 km east to his destination. What distance has the driver traveled? What is the driver's total displacement?
Total distance = 23 km Displacement = 17 km east
A plane travels 2.5 km at 35 degrees above the horizontal and then changes direction and travels 5.2 km at 22 above the horizontal. What is the magnitude and direction of his displacement?
7.65 km at 26.13 degrees above the horizontal
Describe the vertical acceleration of a projectile
constant and negative (usually -9.81 m/s2)
People in movies often jump from buildings into pools. If a person jumps horizontally from the 10th floor (30 m high) to a pool that is 5.0 m away from the building, with what initial speed must the person jump?
2.02 m/s
What is the scalar quantity of velocity?
A bird flies 14 km west and then 25 km south. What is the magnitude and direction of his displacement?
28.6 km at 60.75 degrees south of west.
During a rodeo, a clown runs 8.0 m north, turns 55 degrees north of east, and runs 3.5 m. Then, after waiting for the bull to come near him, the clown turns due east and runs 5.0 m out of the arena. What is the magnitude and direction of the clown's displacement?
13.0 m at 57.18 degrees above east of north
Describe the vertical acceleration of a projectile
A long jumper leaves the ground with an initial velocity of 12 m/s at an angle of 28-degrees above the horizontal. Determine the time of flight, the horizontal distance, and the peak height of the long-jumper.
TOF= 1.15 s x= 12.16 m y=1.61 m
A vector that represents the sum of two or more vectors
Resultant vector
Ms. Collins flies at a velocity of 45 km/h at 30 degrees north of east. What are the horizontal and vertical components of her velocity?
22.5 km/h north 38.9 km/h east
A bullet traveling 850 m ricochets from a rock. The bullet travels another 640 m, but at an angle of 36° from its previous forward motion. What is the resultant displacement of the bullet?
What is 1420m at 16 degrees?
For a projectile launched from the ground and landing back on the ground, what can be said about its initial and final vertical velocities?
Same magnitudes, different directions (one is positive and one is negative)
Salmon often jump waterfalls to reach their breeding grounds. One salmon starts 2.00 m from a waterfall that is 0.55 m tall and jumps at an angle of 32.0 degrees. What must be the salmon's minimum speed to reach the waterfall?
6.87 m/s
Give three examples of a scalar quantity and three examples of a vector quantity.
Scalar: mass, volume, distance, speed, etc Vector: velocity, acceleration, force, displacement, etc
Ms. Collins is running outside. She runs 3.0 miles to the north, 1.0 miles to the east, and then 1.5 miles to the south. What is the total distance that she traveled? What is the magnitude and direction of her displacement?
Total distance traveled= 5.5 miles Displacement= 1.80 miles at 33.69 degrees east of north
Hurricane Iniki moved for 790 km at an angle of 18° north of west, then moved due west for 150 km, turned north and continued for 470 km, and finally turned back 15° east of north and moved 240 km to cross the island of Kauai. What was the resultant displacement of Hurricane Iniki?
What is 1260km at 48 NoW?
What can be said about the vertical velocity of a projectile at the top of its path?
A cannon is fired with an initial velocity of 25.0 m/s at 15 degrees above the horizontal. If the cannon is on a cliff that is 40 meters high, how long is the cannon ball in the air for? How far away from the base of the cliff will the ball land?
What is 3.59s and 86.69m?