Analyze the Text
Analyze Craft and Structure

"In Two Kinds," in what ways does the mother pressure her daughter to change?

she pressures her daughter to become a child prodigy.  


What is the best definition for lamented?



How are the mother and her daughter similar and different? 

How does the difference in their attitudes cause problems?

(similarity)The mother and daughter have strong will. (differences) The mother believes that with hard work anything is possible. The daughter believes that one must accept restrictions in life. 

Jing believes she can never meet her mother's expectations, the mother believes Jing refuses to try.  


From which point of view is "Two Kinds" written?

first person, from the daughter's point of view


Which word in this sentence is a possessive noun?

Adam and Sarah liked Sam's singing, but Taylor liked my piano playing.



How does the mother arrange for her daughter to take piano lessons?

The mother offers house cleaning services for piano lessons from Mr. Chong.  


What does it mean "indignity"?


The story "Two Kinds", the conflict/struggle between Jing and her mother, is there a winner in this conflict?

There is no winner.

The mother does not win because her daughter did not become a child prodigy and the daughter does not win because she cannot be who she wants to  be. 


In "Two Kinds," which character trait do the daughter and mother share?

stubbornness, hard headed.


Which sentence contains both a common noun and a proper noun?

Sam was tired of trying to please her demanding mother.


How does Jing prepare for the talent show?

She does not practice enough for the talent show. She makes no effort because she know Mr. Chong is deaf and cannot her how well she is playing.

What does "reproach" mean?



Should Jing's mother have pushed her daughter as she did? Explain.

The mother pushed her daughter too hard. The mother's effort did not help her daughter. Jing believed she would never be good enough and stopped trying. 


I had new thoughts, willful thoughts, or rather thoughts filled with lots of won't.  I won't let her change me, I promised myself.  I won't be what I'm not.

So now on nights when my mother presented her tests, I performed listlessly, my head propped on one arm.  I pretended to be bored.  And I was

What drives, or motivates , the narrator to act bored?

She decides that she will not be pushed into becoming a prodigy.


Mike wanted Mike's mother to help Samantha and her friend prepare for the talent show.                      

 Choose the sentence that correctly replaces a noun in this sentence with a possessive noun without changing the original meaning.

Mike wanted his mother to help Samantha and her friend to prepare for the talent show.


What happens when the narrator performs at the talent show?

The narrator performs was terrible at the recital. She expects her mom to be angry, instead the mother did not talk to her about it. 

What does " discordant" mean?

Lacking harmony 


Which statement best sums up the theme, or message, of "Two Kinds"?

Accepting oneself can be more important than success.


In the years that followed, I failed her so many times, etc time asserting my own will, my right to fall short of expectations.

What perspective does this comment reveal about the narrator?

Failure became a way for her to express her independence.


Most people call Mike a prodigy, but I think his sister has more talent.

Identify the proper noun.

 proper noun - Mike


What happens to the piano at the end of the story?

The mother gives the daughter the old piano.


What does "squabbling" mean?

Then, using your knowledge of the prefix in, give the definition of inadequate.

fighting noisily over small matter


What can one generation learn from another? What have you learned about how people of different generations interact from reading this story?

The story shows how different generations can learn from the ways that each other acts and influence each other. 


In "Two Kinds" the daughter's performance at the talent show is?

the first of many times she disappoints her mother


My father listened patiently, although my father did not want to be there.

Replace the noun with appropriate pronoun

My father listened patiently, although he did not want to be there.