Facts &
Themes &

In “Two Kinds,” what does the mother hope for her daughter?

  • A - a way to happiness
  • B - a special talent
  • C- meeting with Ed Sullivan
  • D-a way to happiness
  • B - a special talent

In “Two Kinds,” the mother arranges for the daughter to have piano lessons. The daughter gives the following response.

“Why don’t you like me the way I am? I’m not a genius!”

Based on this quotation, choose what the daughter most likely believes.

  •  A.Because she is not a genius, she does not deserve her mother’s efforts to improve her.
  • B.If her mother wants her to develop a talent, then her mother must realize that she is not a genius.
  • C.Because she is not a genius, she must work even harder than other people do to succeed.

B.- If her mother wants her to develop a talent, then her mother must not value her as she is.

destroyed; completely upset
What is devastated.

Which statement best explains why the daughter in “Two Kinds” develops a negative attitude toward her mother’s quizzes? 

  • A. She wants to play piano instead of taking tests.
  • B. She sees herself disappointing her mother.
  • C. She finds the tests getting harder and harder.
  • D. She is not interested in geography or math.

B - She sees herself disappointing her mother.


What are the "two kinds of daughters" that Jing-mei's mother refers to?

What is "Those that are obedient and those who follow their own mind!"


Initially, Jing-mei believes that if she becomes a prodigy... 

A. she would be wealthy beyond belief

B. her parents would adore her 

C. her parents would never criticize her again 

D. both B and C

What is B and C? adore her and never criticize her again


The mother's attempts to find her daughter's talent can best be described as 

A. thoughtful and reassuring 

B. humorous and lighthearted 

C. insensitive and unrealistic 

D. practical and well planned

What is C? insensitive and unrealistic


Define the word lamented

expressed sorrow


The titles of the piano pieces the daughter plays at the end of "Two Kinds" ("Pleading Child" and "Perfectly Contented") represent...

A. growing up in the U.S.

B. the daughter's feelings about learning to play the piano

C. the daughter's feelings about herself

D. the difficulties of parenting

What is C? the daughter's feelings about herself


In “Two Kinds,” what does the daughter realize when she becomes angry at her reflection in the mirror?

  • A. She has the power to decide for herself who she will be.
  • B. If she does not become a prodigy, she will not succeed at anything.
  • C.If she becomes a prodigy, she will be a sad, unpleasant girl.
  • D.She can be the prodigy her mother wants her to be.


A. - She has the power to decide for herself who she will be.


Of the following, which does the daughter (Jing-mei) fear most in her relationship with her mother? 

A. that her mother will leave her 

B. that her mother doesn't recognize her amazing talents 

C. that her mother stretches the truth about her accomplishments (brags) 

D. that her mother doesn't love her for who she is

What is D? that her mother doesn't love her for who she is


Jing-mei makes this decision after repeatedly failing her mother's tests and seeing her mother's disappointment...

What is to rebel against her mother, to let her mother change her

a child of unusually high talent
What is a prodigy.

How did Jing-Mei feel at the start of her performance at the talent show?

What is ... She felt very confident and excited, or she was convinced that the prodigy side of her really did exist


Which statement best sums up the theme, or message, of “Two Kinds”?

  • A. Accepting oneself can be more important than success.
  • B happy family requires obedient children.
  • C.Determination is more important than genius.
  • D. A parent’s expectations inspire a child’s achievements.

Which quotation from “Two Kinds” best supports the answer to Part A? 

  • A.“Of course you can be prodigy, too,” my mother told me when I was nine. “You can be best anything.”
  • B.“Only two kinds of daughters,” she shouted in Chinese. “Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind.”
  • C. A few years ago, she offered to give me the piano, for my thirtieth birthday. I had not played in all those years.
  • D.For unlike my mother, I did not believe I could be anything I wanted to be. I could only be me.

A.- Accepting oneself can be more important than success.

D. - For unlike my mother, I did not believe I could be anything I wanted to be. I could only be me.


Read this passage from “Two Kinds.” Here, Auntie Lindo, Waverly’s mother, is speaking to the narrator’s mother about Waverly.

“She bring home too many trophy,” lamented Auntie Lindo that Sunday. “All day she play chess. All day I have no time do nothing but dust off her winnings.” 

Which statements best describe what this passage reveals about the characters and their situation? Choose all that apply. 

  • A. Auntie Lindo thinks it is fine to brag if she pretends to be complaining
  • B. Auntie Lindo and the narrator's mother compete over their children.
  • C. Auntie Lindo is concerned that Waverly has too few hobbies.
  • D. Auntie Lindo is tired of dusting all of Waverly's chess trophies.
  • E.Auntie Lindo likes to show off Waverly's accomplishments.
  • F.Auntie Lindo is jealous that the narrator also has trophies.

C - Auntie Lindo likes to show off Waverly's accomplishments.

B - Auntie Lindo and the narrator's mother compete over their children.

A. - Auntie Lindo thinks it is fine to brag if she pretends to be complaining.


The mood created in the following paragraph... "I would play after him, the simple scale, the simple chord, and then I just played some nonsense that sounded like a cat running up and down on top of garbage cans. Old Chong smilled and applauded..."

What type of mood is the author creating?

What is ... humor


withdrawn or aloof; gloomy

What is sulky.


The TV show where Jing-mei's mother sees a young Chinese girl playing piano

What is ... The Ed Sullivan Show


In “Two Kinds,” why does the daughter play badly at the talent show? Choose two options. 

  • A. She has not been taught well by her teacher, who is deaf.
  • B. She does not sincerely try to learn her selected piece.
  • C. She wants Waverly, not herself, to win the talent show.
  • D. She is too nervous to play well in front of an audience.
  • E. She does not wish to play well at the talent show.
  • A. -She has not been taught well by her teacher, who is deaf.
  • B. - She does not sincerely try to learn her selected piece.

As an adult, Jing-mei (the daughter) believes that she has grown up to be 

A. simply herself 

B. the best person she could possibly be 

C. the prodigy that her mother wanted her to be 

D. depressingly "ordinary"

What is A? simply herself


The daughter's performance at the recital 

A. proves to everyone that she is a musical prodigy. 

B. becomes a painful memory that haunts Jing-mei the rest of her life. 

C. is the 1st time that she ever disappoints her mother. 

D. is the 1st of many times that she disappoints her mother.

What is D. is the 1st of many times that she disappoints her mother.


Which situation most clearly shows an example of people squabbling?

  • A. Maleek asks Marcus for advice on how to fix his car.
  • B.Waverly bores her friends with stories of winning chess matches.
  • C.Jamarius and Kenmari fight over who gets to sit in the front seat.
  • D.Ahmiri and Aiden discuss their assignment about literary devices.

C. - Jamarius and Kenmari fight over who gets to sit in the front seat.


Jing-mei's mother offers her the piano on her thirtieth birthday. This offer is her mother's way of showing Jing-mei that 

A. she hasn't forgiven Jing-mei and seeing the piano only brings her pain. 

B. she still believes that she can become a famous pianist. 

C. she resents the sacrifices she made for her ungrateful daughter. 

D. she has gotten over her disappointment.

What is D? she has gotten over his disappointment.


The theme, or central idea of "Two Kinds" is...

What is the children need to be themselves and allowed to discover their own goals and desires