"Things to Know"
"Important Info"
"Critical Reading"
"Writing Skills"
What does the PSAT measure?
Critical reading, Math, and Writing skills (in & out of school)
When does your school receive your PSAT scores?
What are two guidelines to "Building a Vocabulary"?
Determine the meaning of the word by its components. Determine the meaning of the word by its context.
What is the percentage for the Number & Operations Section of the Math PSAT?
The total numbers of questions in the writing skills section.
What is 39
What are two reasons for taking the PSAT?
To Get feedback about critical academic skills Preparation for the SAT Get ready for college Enter scholarship competitions
List and describe two Test Regulations.
Must do all scratch work in the test book and mark final answer on answer sheet Use only an approved calculator Not allowed to use protractors, compasses, rulers, dictionaries, etc. Not allowed to use photographic or electronic devices May not give assistance to others or disturb others May only check work on section that you're working on May take PSAT test only once/school year All must take the PSAT in your school at the same time If you become ill or want to leave, must destroy answer sheet You may not discuss the answers with anyone Members of your household may not supervise
What are two guidelines to Comprehending Sentences?
KnowPunctuation Know Transitional Words and Phrases
How many mathematics sections are there on the PSAT?
What is 2.
Does the writing skills section test spelling or capitalization?
What is No.
What are 3 things that you should bring to the test?
No. 2 pencils Eraser Approved calculator
When will you take the PSAT this year?
Wednesday - October 15th
What is the difference between a colon and a semicolon?
Colon--Introduces material that explains or illustrates what has come before Semicolon--Joins equal and balanced sentence elements
What are 2 rules regarding Calculator Use?
You are encouraged to bring one A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended Don't buy one just for the test, they'll have extras Don't try to use it on every question, try to figure it out Decide how to solve each problem, then decide to use it or not Take the practice test Only one calculator can be on the desk at a time You can't use a pocket organizer, laptop, hand-held device, etc. If your calculator has large numbers or digital readouts, then you may be asked to sit away from others You can't share your calculator Make sure it works
What are two charateristics of effective writing
What is effective writing is.... (1) is conistent, (2) expresses ideas logically, (3) is precise and clear, (4) follows conventions.
What does NMSC stand for?
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
List and describe threeTest Regulations.
Must do all scratch work in the test book and mark final answer on answer sheet Use only an approved calculator Not allowed to use protractors, compasses, rulers, dictionaries, etc. Not allowed to use photographic or electronic devices May not give assistance to others or disturb others May only check work on section that you're working on May take PSAT test only once/school year All must take the PSAT in your school at the same time If you become ill or want to leave, must destroy answer sheet You may not discuss the answers with anyone Members of your household may not supervise
What are 3ways to Read Effectively?
(1) Understand the primary purpose or main idea of a piece (2) Understand the tone or attitude conveyed by certain words and expressions (3)Understand the use of rhetorical strategies (4)Recognize implications and make evaluations
What 4 parts make up the Math part of the PSAT?
Number & Operations Algebra & Functions Geometry & Measurement Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
The three kinds of writing skills questions that are on the test.
What is (1) Improving sentences, (2), Identifying Sentences Errors, (3) Improving Paragraphs.
Name one resource available on My College QuickStart which is a free for resource available to students that take the PSAT?
My Online Score Report--Answers w/ explanations My SAT Study Plan--Personalized plan, practice questions My Personality--Personality test, Career matches My Major & Career Matches--Different majors and careers My College Matches--List of colleges just for your future
What is student search services?
A voluntary program that connects students with information about edcuational and financial aid opportunties from more than 1,200 college and scholarship programs.
What 2 parts make up the Critical Reading Section?
Sentence Completion and Passage-Based Reading
What are 3 rules regarding Calculator Use?
You are encouraged to bring one A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended Don't buy one just for the test, we will have extras Don't try to use it on every question, try to figure it out Decide how to solve each problem, then decide to use it or not Take the practice test Only one calculator can be on the desk at a time You can't use a pocket organizer, laptop, hand-held device, etc. If your calculator has large numbers or digital readouts, then you may be asked to sit away from others You can't share your calculator Make sure it works
Name at least one thing that the writing skills questions measure your ability to do....
What is (1) identify appopriate expressions in standard written English, (2)detect faults in usage and structure, (3) choose effective revisions to sentences and paragraphs, (4) recognize appropatieate writing strategies.