Shopping Spree
Party Planning
Outdoor Adventures
Sports Fun
Animal Facts

Maria bought 3 apples for $2 each and 2 bananas for $1 each. How much did she spend in total?



Emma is planning a party and needs 4 packs of balloons with 5 balloons in each pack. If each pack costs $3, how much will she spend on balloons?



A group of friends goes on a hike and each person brings 3 bottles of water. If there are 5 friends, how many bottles of water are there in total?

15 bottles


Tom scored 7 points in the first basketball game and 5 points in the second game. How many points did he score in total?

12 points


A zoo has 5 elephants, each eating 50 pounds of food per day. How many pounds of food do they eat in total each day?

250 pounds


Jack bought 4 packs of pencils with 6 pencils in each pack. He then gave 5 pencils to his friend. How many pencils does Jack have left?

19 pencils


David bought 7 pizzas, and each pizza has 8 slices. If 5 slices were eaten, how many slices are left?

51 slices


On a trip, Sam drove 20 miles to the park and 15 miles to the beach. Then, he drove 10 miles back home. How many miles did he drive in total?

45 miles


A soccer team won 8 games and lost 4 games. Each win earned them 3 points. How many points did they earn in total?

24 points


A group of 12 penguins eats 3 fish each day. If 4 penguins go without eating, how many fish are eaten in total?

24 fish


Lisa bought 3 shirts for $12 each and used a coupon for $5 off her total purchase. How much did she pay in total?



Sarah bought 6 bags of chips for $4 each and 3 bottles of soda for $3 each. What is the total cost of the chips and soda?



Jenny bought 6 packs of trail mix with 10 pieces each. She ate 15 pieces during the hike. How many pieces of trail mix does she have left?

45 pieces


Anna practices swimming for 2 hours each day for 5 days. If she adds an extra 30 minutes on the last day, how many hours did she swim in total?

11.5 hours


A farmer has 8 cows, and each cow gives 5 gallons of milk a day. If 10 gallons are sold, how many gallons are left?

30 gallons


A toy costs $15, and a book costs $8. If Ben bought 2 toys and 3 books, how much did he spend in total?



Lucas is making cupcakes for a party. He needs 3 batches with 12 cupcakes in each batch. He gives 14 cupcakes to his neighbors. How many cupcakes does he have left?

22 cupcakes


Mike rented a bike for 4 hours at $7 per hour and bought a bottle of water for $3. How much did he spend in total?



John collected 5 baseball cards every week for 8 weeks. If he gave 10 cards to his friend, how many cards does he have left?

30 cards


There are 9 birds in a tree, and each bird has 2 wings. If 3 birds fly away, how many wings remain?

12 wings


Sally bought 5 bags of candy, each containing 8 pieces. She gave away 15 pieces to her friends. How many pieces of candy does she have left?

25 pieces


A pack of party hats costs $6. If Mia buys 5 packs and gets a discount of $7 in total, how much does she pay?



A group of hikers shared 48 granola bars equally among 6 people. If 8 bars were left uneaten, how many bars did each person eat?

6 bars


A gym membership costs $20 per month. If Sarah buys a 6-month membership with a $10 discount, how much does she pay?



In an aquarium, there are 3 tanks with 15 fish each. If 7 fish are moved to a different tank, how many fish are left in the three tanks?

38 fish