Ty and Shadow Time
California Boy
Animal Encounters
Expect the Unexpected

This phrase used by Ty is an oxymoron used often when asked what he did over the weekend.

What is a whole lot of nothing?


When the sun shines right, Ty will do this with his dog to relax.

What is take naps?


Despite growing up in California, Ty is not fond of this geographic feature.

What are beaches?

Ty once got to pet this animal at a zoo. Sadly, it did not make the same sounds that a famous song about it says it would make.

What is a fox?


Though he has many fears, Ty most fears this kind of creature.

What are spiders?


The word that Ty puts before mentioning the name of any interstate or highway.

What is the?


While camping by a river with his dad, Ty learned to always watch his dog after he ate this important tool used in fishing.

What is a lure?


Though he has many foods that he loves, this particular type of burrito has and always will be his favorite type.

What is bean and cheese burrito?


Ty was incredibly afraid of this type of dog when young, mainly because it was 200+ pounds, very slobbery, and had a bite force strong enough to melt a watermelon.

What is an English Mastiff?


Ty was shown this Animal Planet week-long series at the ripe age of 5 by his father, much to the chagrin of his mother.

What is Shark Week?


The word Ty uses as a preface to any question or query.

What is question?


Ty gets this type of allergic reaction when he is licked by his dog.

What are hives?


While growing up in Burbank, California, Ty lived in close proximity to the headquarters of this media production company.

What is Warner Bros?


Ty was once attacked by this animal commonly found in or near bodies of water.

What is a duck?


Ty's favorite childhood stuffed animal was a tiger, who happened to be named...

What is Tiger?


A word that Ty uses to express an excess and unknown amount of an action or object, for instance, "Oh yeah, I've heard a bunch about that and (blank)"

What is whatnot?


Often on Sundays, Ty does this action for his dog, an action that requires a spatula and steady hands.

What is make him dinner?


While with his Latino side of the family for Christmas, Ty would often eat upwards of 6 of this food.

What are tamales?


Ty was once nearly mauled by this animal, only to learn it was in fact asleep.

What is a bear?


Ty never grew out of this bedtime ritual, popular among children.

What is leave his closet door open?


The term Ty uses for small, lobster-like aquatic life that inhabits the creeks and rivers of the country,

What is crawdad?


Using the juices from a hot dog, Ty will play this appropriately named game with his dog in the middle of the night.

What is hot dog ball?


Ty spent the majority of his life in this beach town in Southern California, near Long Beach, Santa Monica, and Los Angeles.

What is Redondo Beach?


Ty once got the chance to touch this animal in Alaska while in a fishing boat on the river

What is a moose?


Ty is appalled by the sound that this material makes when crunched or rubbed, to the point where he either covers his ears or leaves the room.

What is styrofoam?