If you could choose a profession/job to be the best at, what would be the best choice?
YouTuber/streamer/gamer or footballer
What dinosaurs name comes from the feathered serpent god of Aztec culture?
Excited, anxiety
What was the first Disney movie?
Snow White and the seven dwarves
Big gorilla is angry and tries to knock you off his building
Donkey Kong
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what food is best choice?
What dino (that lived at the same time as T rex) has never been found with T rex bite marks?
Chaotic, calm
What Harry Potter movie is the longest in run time?
Animal must have been at Chernobyl as it’s now discoloured and very quick
Sonic the Hedgehog
If you could be given a superpower, what would be the best choice?
Shapeshifting or time control
What dinosaur has a 9 inch thick skull?
Fame, gamer
What movie was made based on a book the author thought of after waking up from a nightmare in one of the most haunted hotels in America?
The shining. Stephen king had a nightmare in what is considered the most haunted room in the hotel, he woke up, smoked a cigarette and wrote the whole of the shining in his notepad on his balcony.
Just about anyone from fiction or real life battle to the death in a hunger games style while building defenses
If you were a character in a piece of fiction, what weapon(s) would be coolest to have as your signature?
What is the only carnivorous dino known to possess horns?
Quiet, rage. When you’re angry about something but can’t be loud so you quietly rage.
What is the first vampire movie?
Nosferatu. It actually first released in 1922, before bram stoker’s Dracula was officially turned into a movie. The new nosferatu is just a remake.
You fight through the world defeating bosses with the help of cartoon movie characters
Kingdom Hearts
What is the best country on earth?
What kind of dino is ducky from a land before time?
Late, early. The hours in the morning where it’s like late at night, but technically early in the morning.
The original jungle book movie was released in 1967, but it was based on the novel the came before, when was the novel published? (To the nearest 3 years)
As an angsty teen you try endlessly to run away from your home