Tyner Template Mania
More Template Mania
Small Groups that Sizzle
Literacy Potpourri
This stage includes sight word practice with a maximum of 50 known words. Students begin to learn digraphs and blends, among other phonics features in Word Study.
What is the Beginning Reader stage?
This stage includes fluency practice, Word Study, sight word practice, and a new book each day. Students blend sounds through the use of Elkonin Boxes and begin to write dictated sentences.
What is the Fledgling Reader stage?
The number of days of the week teachers meet with their intensive student reading group
What are five days?
the approach that teachers are encouraged to use the first month of school that establishes routines and procedures during small group reading time
What is the 21 day plan?
This stage's template suggests brief fluency practice with poetry, and more time is spent on Word Study and Comprehension.
What is the Independent Stage?
This stage is the first stage that fluency is no longer a component, and students are reading texts that may extend a number of days.
What is the Maturing Reader Stage?
The ongoing practice of grouping students for small group instruction based on assessment and achievement of skills
What is flexible grouping?
the ability to read text accurately and quickly with expression and proper phrasing
What is reading fluency?
This is the first stage to no longer have sight word practice, students begin learning more complex vowel patterns in Word Study, and books are getting a little longer.
What is the Transitional Stage?
This stage includs fluency, Word Study, and comprehension in both its Expository and Narrative templates. Fluency should be limited to a particular page of text only and Word Study activities begin to include Word Hunts outside of the group.
What is the Evolving Reader stage?
Activities in literacy that students work on independently or with each other during small group reading time
What are literacy work station?
practice that teachers need to do everyday for at least 15 minutes with a good literature and a great way to incorporate content studies
What is a read aloud?
This stage has both an Expository and Narrative template, Word Study includes discussions around word meaning and they no longer get sentences dictated to them, and students can be sent off to read longer amounts of text independently.
What is the Maturing or Advanced Stage?
These lessons are used for students who come to school with no letter knowledge or print awareness at all.
That are Tyner's first 26 lessons.
The assessment used to group kids in the primary grades.
What is PALS?
Name at least 2 things that would be in a literacy rich classroom.
What are student work samples, word walls, vocabulary word walls, alphabet, anchor charts, etc.
This stage has sight word practice with only 10 -15 words, the teacher may use Big Books to help them learn to track print (COW), and alphabet recognition is a big part of Word Study.
What is the Emergent Reader stage?
This is where all templates can be found in a five day format.
What is Virtual Share?
The assessment that gives a Lexile (reading level) for students in grades 4-5.
What is NWEA?
The name of the progress monitoring tests that can be given to students that show weaknesses on PALS subtests
What are PALS quick checks?