What is an example of Verbal Bullying?
What are some examples of Physical Bullying?
(Multiple answers for this one)
Repeated Hitting, pushing, tripping, shoving, tackling, etc...
What is Bullying?
Repeated harmful behaviour directed at a certain person/group (There is often a power imbalance as well)
What devices could Cyberbullying occur on?
(Multiple answers for this one)
Phones, iPads, Chromebooks, basically any device that can download Social Media on
What is the first step in the bullying protocol?
Stop & Identify
What did the bully say/do?
What was the comment/action about?
Verbal Bullying is the most common type of bullying
(True or False?)
True. 77% of Canadian students aged 12-17 have experienced Verbal Bullying, making it very common
How can physical bullying affect someone?
They can have injuries, but also be more anxious around certain types of people, etc...
Why do some kids bully?
They may be going through their own problems and take it out on other people
Is cyberbullying common?
Yes, almost 1 in 4 children across Canada have been bullied online more than once
What is the second step in the Bullying Protocol
To the bully that what they did is wrong and ask if they wanted to hurt that person or not
What's the difference between teasing and Verbal Bullying?
Teasing is playful and does not have harmful intent, Verbal Bullying can be targeted and have harmful intent
What is the most common place for Physical Bullying?
At School's
Bullying carries bad behaviour into adulthood
(True or False?)
60% of people who were bullies as a kid have at least one crime as an adult
What is Cyberbullying?
Spreading rumours, posting/sending harmful things online, about a certain person/group
What is the third step in the Bullying protocol?
Support and stand by who was affected by the bully
(This does not mean to fight back or say anything back to the bully)
Verbal Bullying affects people more than Physical Bullying
(True of False?)
Verbal Bullying can be just as bad or worse to someone's mental health
What is the difference between play-fighting and Physical Bullying?
Physical Bullying is repeated, and has harmful intent, play-fighting is mutual (Everyone is okay with it)
Can bullying cause the victim to become a bully too?
It is actually common more people who have been bullied to become a bully themselves.
What are the effects of Cyberbullying?
Staying away from social media, being anxious/stressed, maybe avoiding going to school, etc...
What is the fourth step in the Bullying Protocol?
Explain the details, like when, where, and what happened to teachers or staff
It can happen. It's also less likely to be reported because the victim may not think it's bullying
Do people who have been Physically Bullied become more aggressive as well?
(True or False?)
The anxiety that came from the Bullying may make them want to protect themselves more
What does B.O.O stand for?
(From the video)
- Being mean
- On purpose
- Over and Over
Which TWO apps have the most cyberbullying?
(Two possible answers)
Facebook & Instagram
Facebook having a 75% rate of Cyberbullying
Instagram having a 24% rate of Cyberbullying
Ensure Accountability
Make sure that everyone is held accountable of the situation