Privileged Motions
Subsidiary Motions
Things To Help A Motion
True or False

What does "Adjourn" mean?

Terminates the meeting


What does "Lay on the table" mean?

Lays a pending question aside temporarily when something more urgent has arisen. 


What are some Methods Of Voting?

  1. Voice Vote

  2. Vote By Standing

  3. Show Of Hands

  4. Ballot

  5. Roll Call


A motion doesn't need a second if it's a Subsidiary motion to proceed.

False, A subsidiary motion is required to have a second to proceed.


What is a motion?

A formal proposal by a member.


What does "Recess" mean?

Permits a short intermission in a meeting


What does "Previous question" mean?

Ends debate and orders an immediate vote


How Does Voting Work?

  1. Chairperson will say,”Voting will now begin for…” and state what the motion is.

  2. Then He/She will say “All those in favor say ‘aye’. All those opposed say ‘no’. The ayes have it and the motion has been properly moved to….” and they state the motion again.


The motion to lay on the table is a privileged motion.

False, it is a subsidiary motion since it's not an urgent topic.


What is the reading of the minutes?

The reading of the minutes is what was discussed in the last meeting and has to be voted on to be approved or adjusted.


What does "Point of Privilege" mean?

Allows a member to be excused from the meeting for a personal matter such as the bathroom.


What does "Refer to a committee" mean?

Gives a motion more detailed attention or permits it to be handled in privacy to that other committee temporarily


What Happens When The Motion Goes Into Debate?

When a motion is put into debate, it allows the member to elaborate about what the motion is about, what it’s for, and how it’ll benefit them. This’ll give everyone an idea as to what the motion is.


A member is not allowed to propose a short intermission by moving to Recess.

False, a member is allowed to move to Recess for a short intermission.


What is a Roll Call?

When the Secretary takes attendance as to who attended the meeting.


How would you use a privileged motion?

You may interrupt the meeting for a privileged motion by saying "Madam President, Point of Privilege" and the chair will address you.


What is required after a Subsidiary motion is stated for the motion to continue?

A Second


What Does Reconsider Mean?

To reconsider means to bring up a question previously disposed of to come again before the assembly as if it had not been previously considered.


Subsidiary motions assist the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion.



What is the proper way to present a motion?

You- "Madam President"

President- "Yes Mrs.McCleary"

You- "I move to spend $50 on snacks for the student body on Tuesday November 30th"

*Someone Seconds*


Are Privileged motions able to be reconsidered?

No, these are the motions that take urgency and the chair will make an executive decision.


What makes a subsidiary motion different from a privileged motion?

A Subsidiary motion is something that'll assist the assembly on the current motion, while a Privileged motion is for an urgency such as requesting to use the bathroom.


How Does A Motion Become Amended?

A motion has to be brought up to the members and receive a second to move forward. Then a vote will be taken to determine whether the motion will be adopted or not.


Previous Question is the motion used to bring the assembly to an immediate vote on one or more pending questions.



What makes up the agenda?

(9 Parts)

  • Call To Order 

  • Roll Call

  • Reading Of The Minutes 

  • Officer Reports

  • Committee Reports

  • Unfinished Business

  • New Business

  • Announcements

  • Adjournment