Offense Classifications
Penalties and Sentencing
Legal Proceedings
Examples of an Offence
Amendments and Updates

This type of offence in Canada is considered the least serious and carries lighter penalties.

What is a Summary Offence?


For summary conviction offences in Canada, the maximum imprisonment term is typically limited to this number of months.

What is 6 months?


In Canada, this term refers to the initial appearance before a judge where the accused is informed of the charges against them and their rights.

What is Disclosure/First Appearance?


This type of offence involves intentionally causing harm or injury to another person.

What is Assault?


This Canadian legislation amended the Criminal Code to introduce new impaired driving offences and penalties.

What is Bill C-46?


This type of offence in Canada is considered the most serious and is often subject to a trial by judge and jury.

What is an indictable offence?


In Canada, this term refers to the monetary penalty imposed by a court upon conviction for a criminal offence.

What is a Fine?


True or False: In Canada, the accused has the right to remain silent during the legal proceedings.

What is True?


Name one example of a hybrid offence in Canada.

What is assault, theft under $5000, and impaired driving?


True or False: The classification of certain offences in Canada can change over time due to amendments to legislation or court decisions.

What is True?


This type of offence in Canada allows for the accused to choose between having a trial before a judge alone or before a judge and jury.

What is an Indictable Offence?


True or False: For hybrid offences in Canada, the penalty is always determined by the Crown prosecutor and cannot be influenced by the defendant's choice of trial mode.

What is False?


In Canadian legal proceedings, this term refers to the formal questioning of witnesses by the opposing party's lawyer in court or during a pre-trial examination.

What is cross-examination?


True or False: Possession of illegal drugs for personal use is typically considered an indictable offence in Canada.

What is False?


This term refers to the process through which the Canadian government updates and modifies the Criminal Code to reflect changes in societal values and norms.

What is Criminal Law/Justice Reform?


Crimes like theft under $5000 and simple assault typically fall under this category of offences.

What is a Hybrid Offence?


In Canada, this term refers to a court order that requires an offender to do or refrain from doing certain things as a punishment or condition.

What is Probation?


In Canada, this term refers to the process through which evidence is gathered and presented in court to prove or disprove the charges against the accused.

What is a Trial?


This offence involves intentionally taking someone else's property without their permission with the intent to permanently deprive them of it.

What is Theft?


This term refers to the process through which amendments to the Canadian Criminal Code are proposed, debated, and ultimately approved by Parliament.

What is the legislative process?


Name one key factor that determines whether an offence is classified as summary, indictable, or hybrid in Canada.

What is the power of arrest, the rights of the accused, the severity of the crime, the penalty?


Name one factor that Canadian courts consider when determining the appropriate sentence for a criminal offence.

Rehabilitation, retribution/denunciation, deterrence, protection of the public


Name one constitutional right that protects the accused during legal proceedings in Canada.

What is the Right to be Presumed Innocent Until Proven Guilty? Right to legal counsel, Right to safety and security of the person.


Name one example of a summary conviction offence in Canada related to driving.

What is Speeding? What is Driving without Insurance


Name one recent amendment to the Canadian Criminal Code that introduced new offences or modified existing ones.

What is Bill C-14? (Amends section 241 of the Criminal Code and introduces a new section 227 to allow MAID (both voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide) if a number of conditions are met)