judy like to play with dolls.
What is no capital letter.
I can't wait to go to Six Flags!
What is exclamatory sentence.
What is Ms. Macklin afraid of?
Casen and jack played with their legos.
What is capitalize Jack.
Do you know where Ms. Spurlin is?
What is a question.
my class is the best
Missing capital letter and exclamation mark
Take out your homework.
What is a command.
What does a complete sentence have to have? Name two things.
What is a capital, punctuation, a subject, a predicate, a verb, or a complete thought.
Do you know how to ice skate
What is no question mark.
I like green eggs and ham.
What is a statement.
went to the store.
What is no subject or incomplete sentence.
Go wash your hands.
What is a command.
What is the action part of a sentence called?
What is a verb.