What Does TYS Stand for?
Transitional Youth Services
How old do you have to be to get your permit?
What does DHS look for to allow you to get your permit?
What is the 388 form?
For DHS we look at your behaviors for the last 6 months to see if you are responsible, and do you have the means to be able to practice for your test.
388 is the form you have to fill out and get approved to be able to drive at 14
How old do you have to be to get your own apartment while still in care?
What is a transitional team?
A team to offer support and guidance to the youth as they move towards adulthood.
How long can a youth stay in extended foster care?
Until they are 21
How old do you have to be to have the goal of APPLA?
What does APPLA stand for?
16 years old
Another Permanent Planned Living Arrangement
Does DHS provide youth with a vehicle?
What qualifies a youth to be able to get their own apartment when they turn 18?
youths' maturity, compacity to function independently, transportation needs and capacities, money the youth has in savings, a support system in place or available to them.
Who can be on the transitional team?
Teacher, Coach, Peer, Caseworker, TYS worker, anyone who can benefit you on your life path.
What is aftercare?
What does after care do?
What is the maximum amount you can get?
A program that offers resources to a youth that has left extended care.
Assist with startup items, rent, food, or other necessities.
Maximum is $2,000 but, has a $500 limit per request which is every other month.
What is YAB?
Youth Advisory Board
What type of transportation can DHS provide?
DHS can provide the youth with a bike.
Who can be a sponsor for a youth in their own apartment?
previous foster parent, teacher, coach, church member, or another appropriate adult connection.
(It can not be the person youth was removed from)
When can a youth leave foster care?
when adopted, guardianship granted, or age out of care.
What is DHS required to give the youth if they leave foster care?
A copy of their file, their birth certificate, their social security card, and any other important documents.
What is Casey's Life Skills Assessment?
A tool that assesses life skills a youth needs for their wellbeing, confidence, and safety as they navigate high school, college, employment, and other life milestones.
Does DHS reimburse for car insurance?
How much is the reimbursement?
the limit of $3,000 for a year. $250 a month
Can a foster youth have a roommate in their apartment?
if the roommate is appropriate, yes. However, this will affect the youth's board payment from DHS. And DHS does not support the roommate.
Can youth spend the night with friends?
Yes, depending on placements rules, and depending on behavior.
Can a youth receive assistance from DHS after they sign out of care?
Does DHS Help pay for college?
To use the State Car for your driver's test what do you have to do?
you have to take a driver's education course.
What does SIL stand for?
Supervised Independent Living Program
How often are the life skills classes?
Pope County & Conway County is the 3rd Monday of every month.
Faulkner County, Vanburen County, & Searcy County is the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
if a foster youth signed out of foster care at age 18, can they sign back into care?
Yes, they can sign back into care. Contact your attorney ad litem, or go to a local DHS where you live at that current moment when you want to enter back in.