Orange monkey
This planet shines the brightest in our sky.
What is venus
We live we laugh we love
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Baby brad
Who is joe
what is my neighbour
Big black
what is gorrila
J.R.R. Tolkien came up with the sequel, “The Lord of the Rings,” 17 years after this book was published.
What is the Hobbit
What is Metal pipe
What can drop when food is on
Adam u sux
what is sux
What is the chimpaze
2-word term for the loud noise that results when a jet flies faster than the speed of sound.
What is a sonic Boom
In order what are the rarity of the characters in rooftop snipers
Common, rare, epic, legendary
What is sux dik
What monkey is rafkey in the lion king
What is a Baboon
Belonging to Peter Pan’s Ms. Darling.
Who is Wnedy
what cant u do in November
What is junoir jake using in house
what is a drone
What am i
What is the monkey with a ball throat
what is a gibon
Short for the numerical records kept on players in sports.
What are stats
What is some of the earliest memes known contained these faces
Rage faces
Instead of throwing spear Kevin throws this
What is a wrench
What r u
The master baiter