Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four

What is one of the orthodox teachings of Christianity?

Various: O.S., Grace, Sal, Incarn


What is one of the Anglo-Saxon Culture points from U2 Beowulf?

Warrior Values; Wergild; Vengeance; Lords/ Retainers; Mead Halls; Feuds


When was the Norman Conquest?



In what modern country is Avignon?



Who is the "Bishop of Rome"?

The pope


What is the Rule of Benedict?

A list of rules for monasteries in the Middle Ages such as monk sleeping in communal rooms; when to hold services, rules for meals etc...


Who won the Synod of Whitby debate the Celtic Christians or Roman Christians?

Roman Christian


Who were the three peopel vying (fighting) for the throne of England?

Harold of Wessex; Harald Hardrada of Norway; William of Normandy


What what the aim of the Scholastic Movement?

to reconcile faith and reason (apply reason to faith)


What does remission of sin mean?

sins are forgiven, for example, as a result of going on a crusade to the Holy Land


Which Greek Philosopher was with the concept of Transcendence?



Who invaded England pushing the Christians west prior to Gregory I sending Augustine et al to convert England to Christianity?

Anglo-Saxon Invasions 450-600 CE


Which Crusades were successful?

Only the First Crusade establishing four Crusader States: Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, and Jerusalem


What was the role of Contrapasso in the Divine Comedy?

It created a situation in which in Inferno, the punishment mirrored the sin committed.


Who was Harald Hardrada who fought and lost at the battle of Stamford bridge.

The Norwegian king who claimed the throne of England along with Harold of Wessex and William the Conqueror


How did Aristotle's Immanence differ from Plato's Transcendence?

It held that while the form or idea was a little superior to matter, they both needed to be together to matter, which would be in Aristotle's view, good.


What land called that the Vikings received after battles with Alfred the Great?



What were Chivalry and Courtly Love?

Chivalry a code for knights emphasized bravery, loyalty, and honor while Courtly Love was an idealize fictional relationship between a knight and a lady of nobility (modeled on a lord and knight's relationship)


What was the role of Unam Sanctum in establishing the Avignon Papacy?

Because the pope was asserting authority over temporal as well as spiritual matters, it angered the King (Philip IV) who attack the pope and eventually had established the Avignon Papacy separate from Rome and based in modern day France.


What are the four orthodox teachings of the Middle Ages?

Original Sin; Grace, Incarnation, and Salvation


What are three reasons for the Fall of Rome in 476 CE?

political troubles; economic troubles resulting in not being able to pay the army, lack of revenue, disloyalty, Chrisitanity as a new Religion....


What was the importance of Charlemagne in the development of Europe?

Strong Frankish king who led the Carolingian Renaissance, establisehd monasteries and eventually became the Emperor of the Romans leading to the Holy Roman Empire which lasted for many years.


What was the impetus and the impact of the Norman Conquest?

Edward the Confessor dying without an heir, and then England going from Anglo-Saxon to Norman in terms of administration


How does the Scholastic movement represent changes in the High Middle Ages?

During the many changes of the High Middle Ages such as three crop rotation, guilds, market in towns was the development of universities. At these Universities theology was a major field of learning and scholasticism came out of the use of logic and reasoning being applied to faith. i.e. reconciling faith and reason. 


How are Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles different?

Romanesque: thick walls, barrel vaults and small or no windoows

Gothic: thin wall supported by flying butresses, pointed arches, with large, stained glass windows.

Both could be quite tall and had art to explain Bible themes to those who could not read