What is the relationship between engineering, science, and society?
Engineering applies scientific knowledge to meet societal needs and solve practical problems.
What is science?
Science searches for explanations of events, processes, or objects based on logic and evidence.
What begins the engineering process?
Identifying a problem, need, or desire.
How have bicycles changed over time?
Due to safety concerns, ease of use, and societal needs.
What are systems made of?
Components and subsystems.
Provide the example of a useful object discussed in the Unit that is created by engineers to solve societal problems.
Mosquito nets.
How do tools like technology help scientists?
Tools extend scientists' senses and abilities, helping them observe more accurately.
When designing a product like an umbrella, what criteria must be considered?
The type of fabric or material used.
How did consumer demand influence the design of smartphones?
Consumers wanted larger screens to watch movies, which led to phones with bigger screens.
What type of system helps boats travel up and down rivers with large slopes?
Lock and dam systems.
Why must a problem be clearly defined before creating a solution?
A solution cannot be developed until the problem is precisely defined and measurable.
Name an example of a tool that extends human capabilities.
Telescopes or microscopes.
What is the definition of criteria?
Desirable features a solution should have.
Name an example of how society has influenced the development of service apps.
The creation of Uber and DoorDash to meet consumer demands for convenience.
What is one benefit of using simulations in engineering?
Simulations are safer, less expensive, and easier than testing real-world systems.
Name three areas to consider when testing out a design.
Physical properties, chemical properties, and strength of materials.
What are the benefits of crash testing in vehicle design?
It keeps people from harm, tests new designs, and allows engineers to control crash speed and conditions.
What is the definition of constraints?
Limits on the design of a solution, often expressed as values or restrictions.
How have environmental factors influenced technology over time?
Early farmers created irrigation systems by capturing rainwater.
Name two types of models used by scientists and engineers and provide examples
Physical models and computer models.
How do environmental concerns influence engineering designs?
Engineers may design solutions to reduce environmental impact, like reducing car emissions.
What are semiconductors, and why are they important in technology?
Semiconductors control electric current in computers, making them smaller and more efficient.
When is it better for engineers to redesign their problem—at the beginning or the end of the design process?
At the beginning of the design process.
Give an example of water supply infrastructure influenced by society's needs.
Modern plumbing systems.
How can simulations help scientists and engineers predict system behavior?
By analyzing how the system functions under different conditions, including what could go wrong.