USC History
USC Traditions
Campus Events
Campus Safety
Jasmine, Sean, or Both

Live gamecocks and homemade costumes made appearances at football games over the years, but this was the name of our first named mascot.

What is Sir Big Spur?


The number of times the USC Women's Basketball team has won the National Championship.

What is three?

(2017, 2022, and 2024)


The Farmers Market comes to Greene Street on this day every week.

What is Tuesday?


There are 250+ of these on campus. Hitting the button immediately connects you with police.

What are Blue Light Emergency Call Boxes?


This person loves Wingstop



The nation's first architect and designer of the Washington Monument also designed this on campus

What is the Maxcy Monument?


The number of times Cocky has won National Mascot of the Year.

What is four?

(1986, 1994, 2003, and 2008)


This annual rivalry competition held every fall is one of the largest in the country. It's hosted by the second-largest student-run organization on campus and helps save lives.

What is the Carolina Clemson Blood Battle?


This safety app can provide help to every member of the campus community. The app gives a direct line to USCPD, links to safety resources, a safety timer that will call police if it goes off, and an anonymous tip submission form.

What is the RAVE Guardian app? (Soon to be CarolinaSAFE-- Keep an eye out for that announcement soon!)


This person has a dog 



This university president has the only official grave on USC's campus (on the Horseshoe in front of the South Caroliniana Library).

Who is John R. McKissick?


This event is a celebration of the last day of Fall classes, featuring food served by President Michael Amiridis and other USC administrators.

What is Midnight Breakfast?


Hosted every week, many of these late-night events are at venues off-campus (transportation is provided) so you have an opportunity to get off campus and experience Columbia as a source for entertainment and fun with friends!

What are Thursdays After Dark?

(Oct. 3 is USC Night at the State Museum!)


Students, faculty, and staff should register to receive these for up-to-the-moment campus safety news including weather alerts and safety announcements. You may get these notifications via text, email, and/or by following their Twitter account.

What are Carolina Alerts?

This person is currently on a sports team



This famous USC alumni who was enrolled in University 101 the first year it was offered

Who is Darla Moore?


This event is a celebration of the end of Spring classes, which takes place at a favorite athletics location.

What is Flick on the Field?


The name of USC's therapy dog who visits students every Thursday at the Pause for Paws events.

Who is Leo?


This student-leader is trained to provide resources, conduct regular Health & Safety Inspections for resident rooms, and assist with crisis response situations to help manage emergencies.

Who is a Resident Mentor?


This person wants to move out of South Carolina in the near future



Because of this, "The Great Biscuit Rebellion" occurred in 1852 and students protested across campus.

What are campus dining policies?

(Students were required to eat at the one dining hall, which frequently served poor quality food.)


When was the first year that Tiger Burn, the annual pep rally held before the Carolina–Clemson football game, was held?

What is 1902?


The names of both day parties on Greene Street that feature music and tabling by cultural student organizations and take place monthly.

What is Lunes Latino and Hip Hop Wednesday?


In the fall of 2023, over 300 students were ejected from USC football games and referred to the conduct process for what reason?

What are alcohol violations?

(Additionally, other consequences were given during football games for smoking/vaping, fake IDs, and disorderly conduct.)


This person took 3 years of sign language in college
