Name that Property-Variables
How many properties did we learn in this section?
12: Identity Property of Addition and of Multiplication, Commutative Property of Addition and of Multiplication, Associative Property of Addition and of Multiplication, Distributive Property, Inverse Property of Addition and of Multiplication, Property of Zero, Reflexive, Transitive and Symmetry
Property of Zero
A * 0 = A
if a =b and b=c, then a = c
Transitive Property
1/2 (4x-10)
4/2 x - 10/2 = 2x - 5
If given 6t = 9, then we know that 9 = 6t is also true.
Symmetry Property
-b(4 - 8c + 0)
-4b + 8bc - 0 = -4b + 8bc