Vocabulary & Grammar
Dramatic Elements/Sturctures

Fill in the blank:

- After seeing his test, he though it was _______________ because he tried hard, but didn't get a high grade.

A. misery
B. desperate
C. lamentable
D. meager

C. lamentable = very disappointing


What is the difference between a monologue and soliloquy?

Monologue is said in front of other characters, and soliloquy is done alone on stage. 


How many syllables are in an iambic pentameter?

10 syllables


Which context clue us used to show the meaning of the vocabulary word?

- My best friend lived in penury for her whole life, so she could only afford college if she got a scholarship. 

A. definition

B. antonym

C. synonym

D. examples

D. example


Define dialogue and stage directions

Dialogue: The words that characters say in a drama.

Stage Directions: Actions, details, and notes in the parenthesis that help facilitate what happens on stage.


What is an iamb?

A pair of syllables: one stressed and one unstressed.


Which of the vocabulary words are different from the others?

A. meloncholy

B. distressed

C. mutiny

D. desperate

A. meloncholy is the only one that has a mellow passive connotation.

 - distressed is intense feeling

 - mutiny requries action

 - desperate is a spurring to action


Which of the folloiwng would be an aside in this conversation?

"Hey, what are you doing after school today? (A) " asked John.

"Well, I have to study, so I am pretty busy, (B)" responded Jessica.
"Gosh, you are such a nerd, (C)" whispered John. "Ok, well, maybe we can hang out next time.(D)"

C. John whispers the insult to himself.


Fix the following sentence to show paralellism:

- She was happy to do the work, she was happy to play the games, and she suffered the consequences without complaint.

A. She was happy to do the work, she was happy to play the games, and she was happy to suffere the consequences


Which is the proper way to write a quote:

A. "Be ruled by me; forget to think of her" said Benvolio.

B. "Be ruled by me; forget to think of her." said Benvolio.

C. "Be ruled by me; forget to think of her," said Benvolio.

C. "Be ruled by me; forget to think of her," said Benvolio.

- End a quote with a comma, question-mark, or explamation mark inside of the quotation before the expression afterward. Never a period to end the quote before the quotation marks.


What are the 4 elements that determine a tragedy?

1. Hero has noble birth

2. Hero has noble characteristics

3. The hero has a tragic flaw

4. The hero's future is determined by fate

What part of the following sentence reflects paralalism:

- After school, all I want to do is eat dinner, play basketball, and watch TV.





- After school, all I want to do is eat dinner, play basketball, and watch TV.


Combine these sentences into the shortest and most efficient sentence possible while maintaining all of the necessary information. (Shortest sentence wins).

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a man who took on a leadership position in the Civil Rights Movement.

-He was an American man of African decent.

-He presented his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963.

-He did this in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - an African American leader of the Civil Rights Movment - presented his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 in Washington, D.C.

What is the dramatic irony & pun in the following story?

- A new foreign student to a in Korea was being bullied. So, he went to the counselor's office, and he explained his situation. At the end, he asked for advice, and the counselor said, "Just do your best to make them your friends! Fighting!" So, the student left the counselor's office confused and amazed that an adult would give such advice, but he did his best and left a note in his bully's locker that scheduled a fight.

- Dramatic Irony: The audience knows that "fighting" means good luck in Korean, so the counselor was wishing him good luck, but the student thinks he is being told to fight the bullies to make friends.

Pun: The word "fighting" means two things: Good luck and violent conflict.

What types of characters did Shakespeare write iambic pentameter for and why?

Characters with high social status spoke in iambic pentamenter because their lyrical/poetic speaking was fancy and represented education.