Physical Geography
Human Geography

At a depth of 1,349 feet below sea level, this salty body of water is the lowest place on earth.

What is the Dead Sea?


Like most regions, more and more people in Southwest & Central Asia are leaving one kind of place and into another.

What is moving from rural to urban places?


Crude oil.

What is the petroleum drilled out of the earth, before it is processed and refined, called?


This country serves as a physical and cultural bridge between Europe and Southwest Asia.

What is Turkey?


It's the country that uses its oil wealth on its military and in other ways that do not directly benefit its citizens.

What is Iraq?


It's the resource that is in high demand but is very scarce. (Must be SPECIFIC.)

What is freshwater?


It's the oldest of the 3 Abrahamic religions and the name of its holy book.

What is Judaism and the Torah?


Oil reserves.

What is oil that has been discovered but remains underground called?


It's the country where the historic Mesopotamia civilization was centered. 

What is Iraq?


This word describes the hard, thick, rock cap that must be drilled through to access oil trapped inside the earth.

What is "impermeable"?


It's the second tallest mountain in the world, found in this mountain range.

What is K2 and the Hindu Kush?


Two quality-of-life health indicators can improve with a country's oil wealth: one increases while the other decreases.

What are life expectancy (increases by 15 years) and infant mortality rates (decreases by 2/3)?


The amount of world's crude oil found underneath Southwest Asia (the Middle East.)

What is more than half?


This Sunni Islam country is ruled by an absolute monarchy.

What is Saudi Arabia?


It's the country Saddam Hussein invaded in 1990 for their oil reserves.

What is Kuwait?


It's the SPECIFIC reason why Central Asia (the Stans) receives so little rainfall. 

The extreme heights found in the Hindu Kush mountain range?


Of the 5 largest ethnic groups in Southwest Asia, they are the largest stateless nation in the world.

Who are the Kurds?


Two process-based reasons that oil is a non-renewable source of energy.

What is plate tectonic movements/pressure over oceans and dead bio-matter throughout half or a full million years? 


This Shi'a Muslim-majority country has sold arms to Yemen to fight a proxy war with Saudi Arabia.

What is Iran?


It's the country that uses its oil wealth to increase healthcare and education.

What is Bahrain?


It's the subtle difference between a semiarid climate and an arid climate.

What is some rain now and then (semiarid) and less than 10 inches or no rainfall for years (arid)?


They're the two main branches of Islam and the difference between them.

What is Sunni (the most qualified gets to be the leader) and Shi'a (those who are the descendants of Muhammed should lead)?


It's the group of countries that work together to regulate the price and supply of oil.  (Full name needed.)

What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?


Fighting between the U.S. military and Houthi rebel forces in Yemen is currently happening in this body of water.

What is the Red Sea?


It's the area currently under siege due to fighting between the Israeli government and Hamas terrorists.

What is the Gaza Strip?