Figurative Language
Text structures
Vocab (Context clues)
Grammar 1
Grammar 2

What figurative language is this?

The metal twisted like a ribbon.



If the power goes out in your home during a snow or ice storm, here us what you should do to stay warm. The first thing you should do is to change into the warmest clothes you have. Choose one room as a family to stay in. Use blankets to cover up each window in the room. Finally, try to find any hand-warmers or candles.



During the hottest days of summer, I feel so lethargic that all I want to do is drink iced tea and sit on the porch. Even thinking about going out makes me tired!

In this sentence, the word lethargic means...

A. sunny   B. happy  C. excited D. tired

D. Tired


Which word has a root that means against? 

a) predict b) contradict c) verdict

b. contradict


What is the meaning of the root therm-, as in thermometer? 

a) heat b) noise c) smell



What figurative language is this?

The sunlight danced.



The North Pole sits in the middle of the Artic Ocean, on the water that is almost always covered with ice. The ice is about two to three meters thick. The depth of the ocean at the North Pole is more than 4,000 meters. The Canadian territory of Nunavut lies closest to the North Pole.



Despite how much his statement sounded like a lie, the committee believed Marco’s testimony because he was known to be such a veridical man.

In this sentence, the word veridical means...

A. dishonest  B. angry C. truthful  D. unknown



Which word has a root that means across? 

a) permit b) transmit c) submit

b) transmit



1. simple, not decorated 2. a large area of flat land with few trees 

Which definition of plain is a noun?

 2. a large area of flat land with few trees


What figurative language is this?

I will love you forever.



Lake Effect Snow, which affects land that surrounds the Great Lakes, is caused by cold air from Canada moving across the unfrozen lakes.

Cause and effect


The mellifluous voice of the robin sang smoothly and pleasantly, marking the beginning of the spring.

In this sentence, the word mellifluous means...

A. sweet or musical  B. harsh or grating C. soft or quiet D. loud or annoying

A. sweet or musical


Correct the sentence by adding commas in the proper places 

We watched Toy Story which Tina had never seen at the sleepover.

We watched Toy Story, which Tina had never seen, at the sleepover.


Which word has a root that means two?

A. bisect B. transect C. dissect


 A. bisect


What figurative language is this?

You’re the apple of my eye.



If you aren't interested in winter sports, you may think that skiing and snowboarding are the same thing, but they aren't! They do both require a giant hill with snow. However, skiing is easier to learn for beginners, while snowboarding is going to require a lot of falling before you get good at it

compare and contrast


Bruce did not want to help clean up the trash by the river but went anyway because the principal told him that since he chose to skip classes on Friday, his participation in the event would be compulsory.

In this sentence, the word compulsory means...

A. required B. optional  C. pleasant  D. annoying

A. required


What is the intensive pronoun in the sentence. 

The director himself donated $500 toward the fundraiser.



Which word below has a negative connotation? 

a) popular b) common c) overused

 c) overused


What figurative language is this?

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity.  It’s impossible to put it down.



People used to never be able to visit Antarctica. There was no way to go see it, unless you wanted to take a treacherous, or even deadly, trip on a ship. Nowadays, they have Antarctica cruise lines that allow you to safely see the beautiful continent 

Problem and solution


The retired man looked forward to receiving his diurnal newspaper, delivered each morning at promptly 10 a.m.

In this sentence, the word diurnal means...

A. daily  B. new  C. angry  D. irregular

A. Daily


What is the meaning of the idiom below? 

Emma bit off more than she can chew with this project.

 She attempted to do more than she can handle


Which revision of the sentences below best shows that the rain stopped first? 

a) The rain stopped, or the sun came out.

 b) The rain stopped, and then the sun came out. 

c) The rain stopped while the sun came out.

 b) The rain stopped, and then the sun came out.