Safety & Quality
Infection Control
Frequently Asked Questions

What is code Pink?

Infant Abduction.

Code Purple = Child abduction


What is this year's IP OT departmental goal?

To support customer service, patient experience and hospital throughput, IP OT will focus on our discharge prep tasks order completion rate.  Baseline from DC Prep task orders 8AM-10AM that were completed within 2hrs = 40% of the time.


What does R.A.C.E mean?

Steps to follow if there is fire.

R: rescue anyone in danger

A: activate the alarm or call 456-6123

C: contain the fire or closing the fire area door

E: evacuate or extinguish the fire


What is the wet time, need to be for our approved hospital disinfectant wipes? 

1 minute and if the surface dries before 1 minute, re-wet with new wipe.


What is UCI Health's Mission statement and Vision?

Mission= Discover, Teach, Heal.

Vision= The best place to give and get care.


What is code White?

Pediatric Medical Emergency.

Code Blue = Adults Medical Emergency


Where can you find our hospital/organizational goals?

Survey Readiness tile in the Rehab SharePoint.


What are the two patient identifier that should be used prior to providing patient care treatment and services?

1. Patient's name

2. Medical record number or date of birth


With the IP setting, how do we manage BP cuff usage for non-isolation patients?

Clean between patients. 

Discard: if dirty, stained, used on an open wound or does not inflate.


What is the MSDS and where can you find it?

MSDS= Material safety data sheet

Located: UCI Intranet > Clinical Tools 


What is code Silver?

Hostage or Active shooter situation.

Code Gray = combactive person


What is the institution's patient experience goal?

Would recommend.

*With a score of 9-10 from HCAHPS Top Box. IP - Orange location & Community network. Amb - recommend provider office,


How long can the CHG (chlorhexidine) cloths stay in the warmer? 


If the green light is flashing, use those first. If flashing red, package needs to be discarded. 


When working with an isolation patient, can you wear PPE in the hallways?

Yes, only if you can explain how you anticipate contact with bodily fluids 


How are oxygen tanks to be stored? 

When in use, tanks are to always be secured in a rack or appropriate portable storage device.

Full and empty/partially used tanks are stored separately in their identified locates. Please ensure there is enough O2 to support your treatment session when grabbing a tank.


What is code Green?

High Risk Patient Elopement


How does our organization speak to our financial goal?

Modified EBIDA 

(earnings before interest, depreciation, amortization) and non-cash Pensions


What is our department's downtime procedure?

Wait 15minutes and if EPIC is still down, refer to Rehab SharePoint downtime tile for fillable PDF forms. 


Name the 5 Moments of hand hygiene

1. Before touching a patient

2. Before clean/aspectic procedure

3. After body fluid exposure/risk

4. After touching a patient

5. After touching a patient surroundings


What are the things to remember during an active shooter event?





What is code Triage?

Alerts = Event that may disrupt normal operations. Internal or External disasters and Surge=mass influx of patients.

Code Orange = hazard materials spill.


How do we track our department's performance?

KPI - key performance indicators


What is the organizations initiative that is focused to promoting a culture of safety and reliability with prioritization of achieving zero preventable harm?

High Reliability Organization (HRO) Culture of Safety Journey. By committing to the shared mission and values and implementing safety infrastructures and processes. 


What is the updated dress code policy regarding fingernail for patient care providers?

1. Nail Polish ok, can't be chipped 

2. Nail not to exceed 1/4 inch beyond the tip of the finger.

3. No artificial nails (substances or devices applied or added to natural nails - including dip powder, gels, wraps, etc.)


When is a water mist fire extinguisher used?

Good For: paper/wood/textile and live electrical equipment. (typically found in MRI and OR)


P=Pull the pin

A=Aim at the base of the fire

S=Squeeze the handle

S=Sweep back and forth