
Has advanced education and experience in a particular subject or academic discipline.

Who are Subject Librarians?


A partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.

What is HathiTrust?


These tools are compiled by UCLA Librarians to feature useful databases, digital library collections, and research strategies to assist students with research in particular courses, subject areas, or particular research activities.

What are Research Guides?


This class resource was designed to help you keep track of your ideas, ask questions, and develop your project. It includes modules created by the WI+RE team to help you deepen your skills in reading, writing, and researching.

What is the Research Notebook?


Provides synchronous reference services online with chat only features.

What is the Digital Reference “Ask a Librarian” Service?


Holds collections of rare books, archives, manuscripts, oral histories, and other materials and to utilize our services.

What are Library Special Collections?


Provides remote access to the UCLA Library and other campus resources.

What is the VPN (Virtual Private Network) / proxy server?


The institutional repository for the ten University of California campuses and affiliated research centers and an open access publishing platform for journals, monographs, conference proceedings, and more.

What is eScholarship?


Provides synchronous reference services online (with video and chat features).

What are Remote Consultations?


Digitized collections contributed by all ten campuses of the University of California and other important libraries, archives, and museums throughout the state

What is Calisphere?


This free software application helps you collect, organize, cite, and share research. You can use it to collect sources while you search, to cite research while you write, and to create a formatted bibliography.

What is Zotero?


A website that free public access to detailed descriptions (finding aids) of primary resource collections at 200+ institutions throughout California, including the 10 UC campuses.

What is the Online Archive of California (OAC)?


A service whereby a patron of one library can borrow books, DVDs, music, etc. and/or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library.

What is Interlibrary Loan?


An online collection of digitized rare, archival, and primary source materials held at UCLA.

What is the UCLA Digital Library?


This free online resource provides helpful information about a variety of citation styles, including APA, MLA, Turabian, and Chicago.

What is the OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue?


UCLA Library activities, including therapy animals (dogs, miniature ponies, etc.), yoga, meditation, games, and more to care for students' well-being.

What is Virtual Stressbusters?


Librarians on the MMUF instructional team who are available to discuss your research projects, partake in your contract meetings, and support you in other ways.

Who are our Mellon Mays Library Liaisons?


These libraries are associated with specific departments, units, or centers on campus that provide materials centered around particular communities.

What are the UCLA Ethnic Studies Center Libraries?


Quick and practical research and writing tutorials, collaboratively designed by students at UCLA.

What is WI+RE (Writing Instruction + Research Education)?

More info:


“The free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment.” -SPARC

What is Open Access?