It is often appropriate to offer choices in how an objective can be reached.
individual choice and autonomy
In print materials, the display of information is fixed and permanent. In properly prepared digital materials, the display of the same information is very malleable and customizable.
customizing the display of information
To reduce barriers to learning that would be introduced by the motor demands of a task, provide alternative means for response, selection, and composition.
Vary the methods for response and navigation
I communicate expectations to anyone who walks in my classroom by posting the ________
Learning Target
Provides a way for a student to access curriculum and "work around their disability"
It is a mistake, of course, to assume that all learners will find the same activities or information equally relevant or valuable to their goals.
relevance, value, and authenticity
Text is a weak format for presenting many concepts and for explicating most processes.
Illustrate through multiple media
Like any craftsman, learners should learn to use tools that are an optimal match between their abilities and the demands of the task.
Use multiple tools for construction and composition
Promoting students feeling successful early on, review a prerequisite skill, attention to administrative tasks, engage student ideas are examples of this part of the lesson plan template.
There are changes to the actual curriculum to allow students to access essential questions.
Providing a range of demands, and a range of possible resources to meet the challenge.
Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
Activate or supply background knowledge
Students often need multiple scaffolds to assist them as they practice and develop independence.
Build Fluency with levels of Support
This portion of your lesson should take 15 - 30 minutes.
Providing notes or fill in the blank notes
Examples Include:
Foster collaboration and community
One of the most effective ways to make information more accessible is to provide explicit cues or prompts that assist individuals in attending to those features that matter most while avoiding those that matter least.
Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships
One of the limits of executive function is that imposed by the limitations of so-called working memory.
Facilitate managing information and resources
Students deepen their knowledge through the _______ portion of the lesson.
Rewording Questions in simpler language
One important aspect of self-regulation is the personal knowledge each learner has about what he or she finds motivating, be it intrinsic or extrinsic.
Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation
Students vary in the amount of scaffolding they need for memory and transfer in order to improve their ability to access their prior learning.
Maximize transfer and generalization
Learning cannot happen without feedback, and that means learners need a clear picture of the progress that are (or are not) making.
Monitoring Progress
Students need to reflect and teachers need to gather information on progress.
The purpose of accommodations and modifications is
To ensure ALL students have access to an education.