Age Colorectal cancer screening starts
What is 45?
Screener used to satisfy the depression screening measure
What is PHQ 9?
Blood pressure cut off to be considered controlled
What is 140/90?
Cut off Age to be compliant with vaccines for UDS
What is 2?
Number of days for a patient to be connected to care after HIV Dx
What is 30? **Need to document onset date
Exclusions for cervical cancer screening
What is hysterectomy WITH records?
Threshold for Positive PHQ9
What is greater than or equal to 10?
Diabetes goal (hint: specifically for UDS)
What is A1C <9?
Age Childhood Weight Assessment screening starts
What is 3?
How often BMI order groups should be used
What is every visit?
Hospital patient can get a mammogram through ABC
What is Princeton, Shelby and UAB West?
Window for Depression Remission Follow Up
What is 10-14 months?
Exclusion for statin therapy measure
What is breastfeeding and hx of rhabdomylosis?
Age we begin to screen for tobacco use and depression
What is 12?
The measure CHC is top in the state
What is Statin therapy?
Frequency of Mammogram through ABC program
What is annual?
UDS Definition of Depression Remission (PHQ score)
What is PHQ9 <5?
Cardiac conditions qualifying for IVD Aspirin Use besides IVD?
What is AMI, CABG, or PCI ?
Dental Measure UDS is Concerned about for kids
What is sealants?
Only correct way to initiate HIV Care within Athena
What is place stat ID referral?
Number of order groups that exist within Athena for CRC screening
What is 5? (Quality Colonoscopy, Wuality Cologuard, Quality FIT test, Quality Cologuard sliding scale, Quality Colonoscopy Uninsured)
Frequency our patients get a PHQ
What is "every established visit"?
Qualifying diagnosis for statin measure (hint: there are 3)
What is LDL >190, diabetes , ASCVD >20, hx of ASCVD?
Vaccines included in Childhood Immunization Status
What is diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP); three polio (IPV), one measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); three or four H influenza type B (Hib); three hepatitis B (Hep B); one chicken pox (VZV); four pneumococcal conjugate (PCV); one hepatitis A (Hep A); two or three rotavirus (RV); and two influenza (flu) vaccines
Measure that is currently keeping Meghan up at night (hint:we just invested a lot of money to make this more accessible)
What is breast cancer screening?