I like milkshakes more than ice-cream.
I am working
Denne tid bruges ved gentagne handlinger
Simpel tid
While he cooked/was cooking breakfast, she had/was having a bath.
While he was cooking breakfast, she was having a bath.
Have you seen the man before?
They were lying
Denne tid bruges, når vi på dansk bruger vendingen "ved at" eller "i gang med"
Udvidet tid
He goes/is going to church every Sunday.
He goes to church every Sunday.
I’ll tell you a little secret.
She has been explaining
He ("enjoyed" eller "was enjoying") a quiet meal when his wife turned up
"was enjoying"
Look! Those children play/are playing in the middle of the road.
Look! Those children are playing in the middle of the road
She didn’t predict all the bad publicity.
We will be going
She ("washes" eller "is washing") her hair twice a week
It normally rains/is raining a lot in Bergen.
It normally rains a lot in Bergen
I hadn’t heard of this before
You had been repairing
Denne tid bruges ved kendsgerninger, ved opremsning af en række handlinger og ved konstateringer og er den mest almindelige tid
Simpel tid
I drank/was drinking tea when she called me.
I was drinking tea when she called me,