Which heart word is spelled correctly?minite or minute
What are two different ways to spell the long a sound. One is used in the middle of words and another way at the end.
ai, ay
What are three different ways to make the s sound?
s, ce, z
What is the work used to state when there is more than one of something.
What are two different ways to make the m sound? Which way to make the mmmm sound has a silent letter?
m and mb
What word do we use to describe when there is only one of something. one cat, one street, one boy
WHich hear word is spelled correctly? month or munth
What are three different ways to make the long E sound?
ee, ea, ey, y
What is another way to make the oi sound?
Write the correct plural form of tree
What is a way to make the nnn sound, what has two letters and one of them is silent?
kn as in knife and knight.
This word describes when two words can be combined to make one new word. Example: sailboat, basketball
Compound Word
Which word correctly fills the blank
Please stay _______ the climber. of or off
What are three different ways to make the long 0 sound?
oa, ow, oe
What are two different sounds a y can make at the end of a word?
e, i
Spell the correct plural form box
What is another way to make a rrrr wound, where there are two letters and one of them is silent?
as in write and wrong and writing.
A word that is a person, place or thing is known as a
Which word that fills the blank is spelled correctly. Valentines Day is in _________. Febuary or February.
Which word correctly fills in the blank.
The ________ rode his horse to the castle.
What sound is made by these three letters? Give an example of a word with these three letters.
j, badge.
Write the correct plural form of knife
Write two words that have the silent letter combination wr
Answers will vary
A combination of letters that comes at the beginning of a word and changes the meaning of the word is called a (suffix, prefix_
What is the correct way to spell the following word
honor or honour
What are two different ways to make the long u sound?
ew, ui, ue
What are two other ways to make the au sound.
aw, augh
What is the plural form of the word cherry
Write two words that contain the silent letters combination mb
Answers will vary
When one person is more brave than another they are called ________ and when they are the most brave the are called the
braver, bravest