Ischemic vs Hemorrhagic Strokes
Ischemic = ______
Hemorrhagic = _______
Language Network Triangle Model
What are the three things that have to happen in less than half a second?
if that question didn't make any sense, then what are the three things that are involved in learning language?
Childhood Language Disorder
Competition Model
____ + ____ = _____
what you hear most often, you'll retain fastest over other cues
Articulatory Filter Hypothesis
Children learning to speak attend ______ to words with sounds ______
White Matter
Name the 3 White Matter Fiber Tracts and give brief description of each
Measure of Functional Assessment vs Patient Reported Outcome Measure in Aphasia
Measure of Functional Assessment is measuring how ___________
Measure of Patient Reported Outcome Measure is assessing their _______
RIOT and Elements of Evaluation
RIOT stands for
What are the 3 easiest things a child learns
Oral Motor Therapy _______ have effect in treatment in SSD
Dorsal Pathway vs Ventral Pathway
Dorsal Pathway is "specialized" to be more _______
BONUS if Perisylvian is impaired then ______ will be impaired
Ventral Pathway is "specialized" to be more _______
Lateralization is always relative NOT absolute.
Left Hemisphere is primarily known for lateralization of ____ and _____
Right Hemisphere is primarily known for lateralization of ______ and ______
Name the FOUR Competency Domains
Enhanced Milieu Teaching
Name the SIX Key Components of EMT
E_____ A_____
M____ M____
T_____ D_____
I_____ T_____
R_____ I______
Acquisition of Speech Sounds
age 3 (11 sounds)
age 4 (7 sounds)
age 5 (3 sounds)
age 6 (1 sound)
Difference between Anodal and Cathodal Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
Anodal is ______ cortical excitability
Cathodal is _______ cortical excitability
Localizing Behavior Dichotomies
Name the Four present in Aphasia
Preventing Communication Disorders
What is the difference between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention
BONUS if you can give examples for each
It's a NOT a Language Disorder when
list the 3 criteria
2 Main Factors that affect intelligibility are _____ and ______ factors
(must do first) Brain Anatomy and Physiology
Given the empty brain model, identify the structure
BONUS if you can label the respective Brodmann's Area too
Brain Anatomy and Physiology
Name the Primary, Uni-Modal, and Multi-Modal Association Cortexes
Bilingual Challenges (5)
Name the FIVE challenges when working with client who is bilingual
N_______ or P______ T_____
Mediated Learning Experience
List the FOUR
BONUS if you can give brief description/the steps of each
Sound Evoking Teachniqe/Strategy
List the 5 Steps
I____-A____ S______
P_____ P______
M_____-K______ C____
A____ and Sh_____
F______ C_____