Literary Terms
Direction Words
Word Parts
Main Idea
What is the time and place of a story or play.
What is "setting"?
What is "her room is not cleaned"
If Jane makes an ugly face at her mother when told she can't go to the movies unless she already cleaned her room we can infer
To explain the meaning
What is "interpret"?
What is "earth"
What does "geo" mean?
What is "slow and steady wins the race'
The main idea in the Tortoise and the Hare.
What is the application of human characteristics to non-human things
What is "personification"?
What is "Tim loved Bess and overheard the highway man and Bess talking'
In the poem 'The Highway Man" we can infer that Tim told King George's Men about the highway man coming back to the stable because
Give main points only
What is "summarize"?
What is "photo"
The root word that means 'light"
Inner beauty is more important that physical appearances.
The main idea in Beauty and the Beast is
What is "alliteration"
The repetition of consontant sounds most often at the beginning of words is known as what literary techinque?
That the propellers of the freighter injured the dolphin
The dolphin had deep gashes on its back and its flipper was bleeding. There were no sharks or other dangerous sea creatures in the area but there was a large freighter with five large metal propellers going through the channel where the dolphin was swimming. We can infer
Give reasons, make clear, describe parts or steps
What is "explain"?
What is "ocracy"
The Suffix that means "system of government'?
What is 'hard work is rewarded" or "work hard and you will succeed.'
Tom and Jeff are both students. Tom works hard and studies every night. Jeff watches tv and fools around and never does his homework. Tom earns good grades and volunteers at the homeless shelter. Jeff barely passes high school. Tom gets a scholarship to Yale and becomes a successful attorney. Jeff works as a clerk in the local grocery store. The main idea of this passage is
Emphasize similarities but also give differences
A contrast between what appears to be true and what is really true or between expectations and reality.
What is "Trish was lying in order to stay home and get out of taking the Biology test.'
Trish forgot to study for her Biology test. The next morning she called her friend Jane to chat. They laughed and talked about boys for the first ten minutes of the call. Then Jane asked Trish if she understood some of the biology terms that were going to be on the test. Trish exclaimed,"Oh no! I forgot all about that test. I'm going to have to figure out a way to get out of taking that test.' She hung up the phone. A few minutes later she went and told her mother that she felt like she was going to throw up. We can infer that
Give specifics in detail
What is "describe"?
What is 'pseudo'
The prefix meaning "false' is
What is 'real love sacrifices one's own rights for the sake of the well being of another'
Two woman both claim a baby is theres. They bring the child to the King for him to rule who gets to keep the baby. The King tells an assistant to bring him his sword. He then tells the women that in order to settle the dispute over the child he is going to cut the child in half and give each of them one half. One woman gasps and says, "No, let her have the child' . The other said nothing. The king ruled that the woman willing to give up her half was the true mother and handed the child to her. What is the main idea?
What is "theme".
The main idea of a work of literature is known as its
The dog has rabies.
The normally docile dog was snarling and foaming at the mouth as he tried to bite his young owner. The boy was shocked because the dog was normally gentle and loving. The dog had even fough off a bobcat three weeks earlier in order to protect the family cat. We can infer that
What is to "contrast'
To show differences is to
What is "itis"
The suffix meaning "inflammation" is
What is "good prevails over evil"
In Star Wars, the main idea or theme of each episode is that