When was Ulrich Zwingli born and when did he die?
Born January 1, 1484
Died October 11, 1531
What is a humanist?
Someone who believes in the power of human achievements
What did Ulrich Zwingli believe about salvation?
Salvation is the result of divine election and not in any effort of our part
___ you say about God and ___ you say matters...
What you say about God and how you say it matters
When did Ulrich Zwingli die?
October 11, 1531
How did Ulrich Zwingli approach scripture?
As a humanist
What did Ulrich Zwingli believe about authority?
Local congregations have the authority and they appoint ministers that nurture the faith and follow the Word of God
What do you need to do when looking at words/readings in theology?
Define what words mean
What are the two things Ulrich Zwingli was known as?
He was known as a humanist and the earliest theologian for the reformed.
What was Zwingli led by?
Patriotic and Intellectual Considerations
What did Ulrich Zwingli believe about the sacraments?
He believed a sacrament is nothing else than an initiatory ceremony
What position does the Church take?
Always the middle
Who was Ulrich Zwingli influenced by?
Martin Luther, Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas Wyttenbach
What did Erasmus believe in?
He believed in reforming the Catholic Church from within, centered on Christ and the bible
What did Ulrich Zwingli believe about the Eucharist?
Christ is not bodily present in the Eucharist
Christ's body cannot be in the Eucharist if he ascended to heaven
What matters when discussing a certain issue in Theology?
Where did Ulrich Zwingli get his education?
University of Vienna/Universität Basel
What was the basis of Zwingli's theology?
Interpretations of scripture
What did Ulrich Zwingli believe about original sin?
Involves an inherited moral defect or disease, but not inherited guilt.
Culpability is restricted to actual sin.
What is theology? (Mr A)
Word work about God